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Gryffindor had won a close quidditch match with their Slytherin rivals and the house decided a celebration was in order. The upper years grabbed the alcohol they had stashed in their trunks while others harassed thenhouse elves to get snacks. The drinks where passed around and soon a raucous party had formed.

Sirius, who had drank way too much already, stumbled over to the only quiet corner of the common room where Remus and a few other studious Gryffindors were working on homework. Remus in particular was working diligently on his transfiguration essay.

"Hey Moony you really need to loosen up" Sirius slurred as he put a hand on the sandy haired boy's shoulder. Remus just ignored him and kept working. He needed to finish this essay and he didn't need distractions right now. It was hard enough trying to work with how loud the celebrations were getting. Sirius frowned and decided that something drastic was needed. He turned Remus's chair around and leaned down, grabbing the other boys face with one hand before crushing his lips against Moony's. The common room became silent as they watched Sirius and Remus. A couple people let out wolf whistles before everyone slowly got back into the party. Sirius pulled Moony up and pinned him against the wall as he drunkenly whispered, "Have some fun every once and awhile" Remus stared shock evident in his wide eyes, he was speechless. He stared at Sirius as he leaned in and once again kissed him. He relaxed against Padfoot's touch and decided that just going with it seemed like a good idea. The common room eventually forgot about them and left the two to kiss each other into oblivion. All thoughts on Moony's transfiguration essay forgotten.

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