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AN;This was just supposed to be a oneshot, why must i stretch things out aughh. Anyways heres some clips of the wolfstar life as an epilogue. Sorry its shitty but idk i just wanted to be done with this fic.


Our wedding was a small affair with only a couple guests close to us. A war was on the horizon so we rushed our wedding to happen as soon as possible. That didn't take away the meaning though. I cried tears of joy seeing Sirius standing across from me at the altar. I couldn't believe we'd come this far together. I grasped Padfoot's hand as we repeated our vows to each other. A swirling golden light appeared, wrapping around our hands and forearms as we spoke. Magic bonding us in marriage. I looked into my lovers eyes as i said, "I do." He repeated after me and leaned in. I met him halfway and our lips touched. The golden magic flared around us as we sealed our bond with a kiss. I pulled away resting my forehead against his, and stared into the eyes of my husband. Oblivious to the cheers around us.


I laughed hysterically. This could not be happening. That little rat had betrayed us all. I stared at the ruined street, a crater in the road surrounded by rubble. The aurors would be arriving soon. I messed up. I allowed Peter to escape. I needed him. I needed him dead. Or at least locked away for the rest of his miserable life. I heard multiple pops as the aurors popped into the street.
"Expelliarmus!" a robed man yelled and my wand flew out of my hand. I gave them a confused look as another man yelled out a spell that caused my hands to be restrained behind my back. I started laughing again, they thought i was the one in the wrong. They thought i was the dark wizard. I continued laughing as they closed in warily. They dragged me away. And i caught the eye of someone in the street. Brown eyes met my grey and i flinched at the hatred and betrayal. Remus stood there shaking in rage. I screamed out in desperation, but i felt the twist of apparation and i was too late. Too late to apologize. Too late to explain myself.


I dropped my bags and embraced Sirius. Trying my hardest not to cry. He was innocent. I had failed him. Left the man i love to rot in azkaban. It's all over now though, it would be okay. Inprayed he would forgive me. He was cleaned up and looked better than he should've considering he'd been in prison for twelve years. After being fired from hogwarts for the nearly killing students incident i had asked to move into number 12 with Sirius who had gladly accepted. I stared at him with tears brimming in my eyes. Unsure of what to do or how to speak with him.
"Stop looking at me like that Moony, I know you feel guilty but it's alright," Sirius said with a gentle smile. I looked away cheeks flushed. I couldn't just stop feeling guilty, no matter how many times Padfoot said i was forgiven. Familiar fingers gently tilted my head back up, and i gazed into my husbands grey eyes. Timidly i leaned towards him, feeling his breath against me, he closed his eyes and pressed his lips to mine. I lost myself in the kiss, it was gentle and loving. I had missed this.


A red light came rushing towards me, hitting me square in the chest. I stared blankly at my cousin Bellatrix who'd cast it at me, before shifting my eyes to where my husband was. His eyes met mine as i stumbled backwards and felt a pull. The last thing i heard as i closed my eyes and drifted away, was the combined screams of my husband and my godson.


Remus opened his eyes blearily to the bright light, sensing a presence next to him. The last thing he remembers was dueling with Dolohov. 'Where am I?' Remus thought. He shifted his eyes to the person sitting beside him, and upon recognizing the shaggy hair amd piercing eyes he let out a shout of joy. Leaping up he nearly bowled Sirius over with his enthusiastic greeting. They shared a kiss before the brown eyed man pulled away.
"I'm dead aren't I?"
"Yes Moony you are, but it'll be okay I promise."
"I believe you, after all why wouldn't it be okay getting to spend eternity with the man i love?"

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