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Chapter 1: the finding of the doll

Eita was a young girl who loved the paranormal. She was only 14-years-old. The same-sex couple, who were named Satori and Wakatoshi, had just adopted her. They also had a son that they had just adopted named Tsutomu.

Wakatoshi had just bought a vineyard in the countryside of France. The family decided to make the move from England to France because Wakatoshi wanted to pursue his dream of winemaking. The house they moved to was an old manor that had been abandoned for at least 50 years. The manor was covered in vines and weeds and had an old cracked marble path that led from the house all the way down to the footpath by the road.

"I'M GONNA BEAT YOU TSU" Eita yelled, grabbing her bag from the car. The ash-blond haired teenager ran into the house to shotgun the biggest room. "NO, YOU'RE NOT" Tsutomu yelled back as he grabbed his bag and ran after his sister cause there's no way his little sister would be getting a bigger room than him.

Once the rooms were decided (Eita won) the 2 siblings soon came across a hallway cupboard with cracked glass doors. The shelves were all empty... except for a little creepy male porcelain doll inside. The doll looked like he was very well cared for... it was the only thing in the house not covered in dust. This doll was wearing a cream coloured blazer and brown tailored pants and its neat black hair was perfectly in place.

Satori was already settling into the house and had started unpacking boxes of cooking books. Suddenly, he heard 3 loud knocks coming from the hallway. Satori dismissed this sound as just one of the kids knocking on the walls and he returned to unpacking. Three minutes later, he heard the same three loud knocks.... "Keep it down, kids!" Satori yelled down towards the hallway. Nobody responded. Another three minutes passed and Satori heard another three loud knocks. Enough was enough. Satori walked out of the study to the hallway to find the kids weren't there. "What the hell, who could possibly be knocking," Satori thought to himself... he was extremely confused at this point as he looked around the hallway. Satori suddenly notices the cupboard in the hallway and reaches for the rusty black handle. Suddenly Satori heard the knocks again and he realised they were coming from directly inside the cupboard. He swung the door open expecting to see one of his kids in there but instead finds only a creepy doll sitting on the middle shelf. Satori noticed a piece of paper on the doll's lap saying He will be set free... and Eita will be the one to do it. Satori grabbed the doll knowing full well he wasn't going to let this doll stay in his house. Satori walked down the stairs to the backyard where there was a run-down brick well "ah, the perfect place to dispose of a creepy doll' Satori thought to himself as he approached the well. Satori took one last look at the doll, its eyes almost looked alive... without another thought, Satori dropped the doll into the very deep well.

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