Chapter 10

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song of the chapter: Distance by Jack and Jack

                                                                        Hayes POV

        When Courtney came over I was talking to her about old stuff. She leaned in I didn't want to hurt Ninny, but she grabbed my face. I heard my name and I knew it was Ninny. I tried to pull away. I heard the door shut. She finally let go and said, " That was fun, but I gotta go. Bye bae!" She jumped out of my window. I was frozen and I didn't know what to do. Cam and Nash busted into my room. " 3 SECONDS TO EXPLAIN!!!" Cam screamed. As Nash ran and jumped out my window.

                                                                        *Next Day* Still Hayes POV

        When I woke up I remembered that we had to go to that waterpark with Cam and Syd. I feel really bad. I mean I didn't even kiss her, she pulled my head and wouldn't let me go. I need to apologize.

______________________Cam decides not to let Ninny near Hayes________________



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