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The female Gardevoir sat atop the ridge. She took in a few deep breaths. Yes. My mind is calm. She thought to herself as she watched the creek trickle into the canyon.

It's amazing how all that water flows into the ocean. She remarked to herself. It was a familiar sight, but it hadn't been one recently. There had been heavy rains recently, so the Gardevoir smiled as the sound of water was no longer loud enough to echo into the rocky road of the opposite canyon.

All of a sudden, there was a deafening crash, followed by a shriek. The Gardevoir wheeled around in an instant. What she saw shocked her.

A human family was close to being buried in mud on the rocky road through the canyon. The father was holding up the wooden retaining wall. But it wouldn't last long. The mother held her little baby close. It was a dire situation.

Rocks began to fall. The man moved quickly and acted as a shield for his wife and son. But, he couldn't last very long. The woman was now holding up the wall with one arm and clutching her crying baby with the other. "Help!" She shrieked in despair.

The rocks began to fall again, and that's when it happened. The auburn haired woman locked eyes with the female Psychic type Pokémon. The Gardevoir could sense it in the woman's gaze. Hope.

Suddenly, the retaining wall began to collapse on the woman. She extended her arm out. "Take him!" She pleaded to the Gardevoir. With her last breath, she flung her baby into the air, so that he would not share her crushing fate.

It all happened so fast that the Gardevoir had felt powerless. But she knew what she had to do. She teleported quickly to catch the baby boy in mid-air. Then she did so once again to reach safe ground.

She watched in horror as the canyon road collapsed. The sound of falling rock and debris was enormous, but it did not last. Soon, there was silence. Well, almost silence.

A whimper leapt into the air with an uncontrollable grief. The boy was crying. The Gardevoir looked down at his teary face. He looked young, very young. She knew she needed to do something.

She couldn't speak the human language, and her repeating her name or some unknown noise would not help. But she did have one idea. She knew she could make a shushing sound. So that was what she did. She slowly walked away towards the forest, and held the baby close. She made the shushing sound until the noise, in combination with the gentle rocking produced by her walking motion, lulled the baby boy to sleep.

The terror is over now. But this should be my top priority. She decided as she headed back towards the place she called home.

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