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Vanessa's POV~

So turns out it was another boy, in our tent. He seemed like he got lost on his way to boy scouts. The guys were all talking to him, while i was laying down on my cot, throwing a ball up and down, while eavesdropping. "So, Stanley" X said in a sort of harsh tone. "you can sleep on Vanessa's cot, she can bunk with Zero" Mom says, causing me to whip my head towards them. I sigh and whip my ball at Moms head, who nearly gets hit.

"No" is all i say, before grabbing another ball. "O-Ok then you can sleep in barf-bags bed" Mom stutters, pointing out to the bed near Squid. "Why's he call Barf-Bag?" Stanley asks, sitting down away from the bed stain. I quietly giggle. ZigZag comes over and lays down next to me, allowing me to put my head on his chest. "Stanley? What did he get lost on the way to school" I whisper to Zig, him laughing. I smile at his laugh. "Probably-" Zig began to say before the lunch bell rung. "Guess we'll ask him at lunch" he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to X and Magnet.

"I'll be right back" i pat zig on the arm, and run behind them, to catch up to Zero. Zero was so far my favorite best friend. I was best friends with all the guys here, some more than others, but all for different reasons! Zero was because he reminded me of myself. "Hey" I say, turning back around to keep walking. "Hey Vannie!" He says, hugging me. I hug him back and smile.

"Hungry?" I ask him, he nods. "So what do you think about Stanley? He seems chill" Zero states, i chuckle. "We'll see how cool he is when the guys start harassing him" I laugh, he laughs too. "Oh and i said 'chill' not 'cool'" He laughs again, he roll my eyes playfully. "Whatevs, same concept" I tell him, he continues to laugh. We enter the lunch room, and he goes silent once more. Social anxiety, just like me. We walk over to the guys plus Stanley, he was a boy, a fragile new boy.

"Sup guys" I say, as i sit down. Zero was getting his lunch, and i don't eat. Anorexic, i only eat when i'm alone. Even then it's barley anything. "Hey girly" Magnet says, causing me to shove his head down into his plate, the whole room laughing. "Screw off" Mag says, whipping his face off. I laugh and pat him on the back. "Entertainment boys, that's what magnet is" I say, our table laughing as he playfully puts his hand over his heart. "So Stanley, what you in for?" X asked the boy, i had to lean forward to look at him.

I was sitting near the end of the table, since i always sit next to Zig and Zero, he was squeezed between Zig and Squid. "I-I stole shoes" Stanley stutters out, all of us staring as Zero sits down. We thought he was joking till he didn't say anything else, then we all bursted out laughing. Zig slaps the side of his face, while trying not to laugh.

"Aw did the boy scout need new shoes?" I ask, laughing again

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"Aw did the boy scout need new shoes?" I ask, laughing again. "They just fell out of nowhere, m-my family's cursed" Stanley stutters out once more. I chuckle, as i rub my hand. "Bleeding again?" I mumble to myself, Zig and Zero heard. "What?" Zig said to me, all the boys looking at me.

I sigh and show them my hand, a huge cut was revealed on the back of my hand. "Jesus Vannie!" Zero shouts, ripping off a piece of his shirt to wrap around. "No wonder you been so out of it, your slowly bleeding out! We need to get her to Mom" X says, as Zig picks me up. "Zig put me down, guys i'm fine it's just a scratch" I lie, i didn't want them to know where it was really from. "A scratch that goes through you entire hand" Armpit points out, as i look at it. He was right, it went through my entire hand. "Oops" I mumble. We finally found mom and he quickly noticed us. "What's going on? Vanessa? Are you alright?" He says, running up to us. He quickly noticed my bleeding hand.

"W-We need to get you to the warden, boys stay here" Mom says, as Zig sets me down, Mom quickly pushes me forward. "I want Zig and Zero to come with" I say, stopping. Mom sighs. "Zero you can come with, everyone else go back to your tent" I look at zig with an "i'm sorry i'll be ok" look. He gives me an "please don't die" kind of look. I'm not really a look reader, more of a giver. We all run to the Wardens cabin, aka my mom. I'm told not to call her mom, but warden. Fucktwads.

Mom goes to knock as i just open the door and let myself in. "Mom?" I ask, as she quickly rushes out of what i hope is her room. "Sweetie? Oh my god!" She noticed my hand quickly. "What happened to you?!" She asked taking of zeros sleeve as i released a yelp. Zero hugged me and stayed glued to my side. "I-Stay here" She stutters, running quickly around, grabbing the things she needed. She cleaned off my cut and wrapped it in a clean bandage. Zero wandered off and Mom, not my mom, was to scared to go inside.

"That's it, you staying with me now, no more tent for you" Mom says, i stare at her. "Yes you can still hangout with your friends, and no more digging till that hands healed!" She says, walking away to put the things she grabbed back. Zero walks over, crying, and holding a picture frame. I look at the picture and what i saw, made me want to cry. So i did, i cried until my mom got back. "Sweetie, Zero? Whats wrong?" She asks, then she noticed the picture frame, and must have realized what photo it was.

"I-I can explain" My mom says, i lean into Zeros side. "You weren't ever gonna tell me Zeros my brother? Or that you put him up for adoption?!" I shout, making peterpan flinch. I couldn't believe that Zero was my brother... this is insane! She lied to us both! She lied to fucking everyone!! No wonder why he reminded me of myself....


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