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Zeros POV~

"WHAT" I heard our mother shout, as Zig and X finally reached the top of her hole. Mom and Mr.Mom ran out of Moms cabin, Sir walking slowly behind. "Come on, wake up!" Zig said, tears falling down his face. I was fighting the tears back, but soon enough they won. The word got out pretty fast, soon enough, everyone was surrounding us. Mom and Mr.Mom finally reached us, Mom shoving X out of the way. "What happened!! Son?" Mom said, looking at me. I gulped. "She dug.." I said, as both moms eyes went wide. "Is she gonna be okay? Please tell me she's gonna be okay!" Zig said, looking at the both of them. Mr. Mom checked her pulse from her wrist.

He gasped. "She's still with us, but she's fading pretty quick!" Mr. Mom said, everyone cheering. ZigZag was now fully crying, you could hear his sniffles and whimpers, though his head was down on her stomach. Sir finally got up to us, everyone moving out of the way. He has a bottle of what looked like beer in his hand. "Get back!" I shouted to him, he shoved me to the side, causing me to fall. Cave man(Stanley) and Twitch rush over to me.  "Stay away from her you fucking monster!" Zigzag shouted at him, Mom and Mr. Mom so focused on Vanessa. "Shut your trap" Sir said, pouring his beer onto her hand. Vannie immediately shot up....

Vanessa's POV~

I shot up, screaming from the impeccable pain of my hand burning. "Vannie!" Zig said, pulling me into a tight hug. He had tears dropping down his face, and his eyes and face were both red. "Zig...what's going on?" I asked him, as we pull away. "Don't you ever do that to me again, you hear me!" He said, as i looked next to him i saw my hole. Oh shit. "Vannie!" Mom and Zero said, running over to me. Mom and Mr. Peter pan must have been yelling at Sir for some reason. Zero was laying on the ground with Twitch and Cave man. They both hugged me, tight. "I...can't...breath" I muttered. They pulled away. Both were crying. "I thought i lost you!"  Mom says to me, side hugging Zero.

"Come on, you need rest" Mom said, standing up with Zero. I tried to stand up, but i almost immediately fell. Zig caught me. "I'll take her back to the tent" He said, picking me up bridal shower. "Make sure she dosent leave this time" Armpit said, causing Zig to glare at him as i laugh. Zig started to walk back to our tent, all the other campers were already gone. "Why'd you do it?" He asked me, i sighed. "I don't know, honestly" I said, looking up at him. "Just don't do it again, i don't wanna loose you.." he said, looking down at me. I smiled, and returned it. We reached the tent and got inside, going right to Zigs bed. He set me down, and got on the other side of me, pulling me into him. He turned to lay on his back, so i put my head on his chest. "Zig?" I asked, he hummed in response. "We should escape. All of us. Me, you, Zero, Stanley, Armpit, X-ray. We can be happy together, without having to dig. Find our own home and-" i was cut off by Zig. "Princess, i don't think everyone wants to leave. But i agree, we should escape, with whoever wants to come. But we have to wait until your hands healed." He said, grabbing my hand softly, i flinched from the pain. He let go, but i grabbed his hand again. "You calling me Princess now?" I asked him, he laughed. "Yup, deal with it princess" We both laughed, and soon drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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