Same Old Songs

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The noise of us all whizzing through tunnels, but the silence as nobody spoke. That sound, that environment has been running through my dreams for weeks now. Ever since she has been gone my head has always found myself back on the TubeLine. The amount of weeks that I'd spend looking at this girl back then, it haunted my sleep.
Since that day she asked for my number, everything was so right in my life. I woke up to her, I married her, and we spent every living moment with each other. That soon was all over.
I can't have much longer left myself, coming up on my eightieth soon. It won't be the same without her, she always made those days even more special than they should have been for an old man.
I won't go back to sleep tonight. I'll lay here in my empty bed, my headphones in playing the same old songs over and over. I don't cry anymore, I'm too old for that, but I'm going to close my eyes. And I'm going to take myself back to the tube line, and I'm going to think about nothing but her.

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