day 3

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It had been 3 days

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It had been 3 days. 3 fucking days and he was already getting on your last nerve. These few weeks really needed to pass by faster.

You woke up to the sound of pans banging together and at this point you were contemplating on jumping out the window. The past couple of days he he has found a new way to annoyingly wake you up. You barely knew him and you were sure people were nice to the person they are getting to know.

You grumbled and angrily got out of bed. You stomped downstairs and when you got to the bottom of the steps the banging suddenly stopped. Rolling your eyes you made your way to the kitchen to see him cooking.

He glanced over to you as he placed butter in the pan. "Goodmorning y/n" he grinned knowing what he was just doing ticked you off. He knew all the right ways to get under your skin.

"you okay! you look a little stressed" he motioned to your face. Your eye twitched and you walked over to him and smacked him upside the head. "fuck is wrong with you, do you not have any home training"

You were short tempered and at this moment your head was hurting. "ouch" he winced, flinching away from him.... now his was too. You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth and went to hit him again but he ran to the other side of the island.

"okay, okay i'm sorry" he laughed as you smirked an idea popping up in your head. While he was bent over from laughing, you turned on the water and when he came back up you detatched the head and sprayed him with the water. He gasped moving out of the way but you just followed his movements.

When you felt like he had enough you turned off the water and started dying of laughter because of his expression. "y/n you just made the biggest mistake in your life" he smirked and came around the island but you backed away.

He grabbed the faucet and turned the water back on. You narrowed your eyes at him "you better n-" you started but was completely cut off by the feeling of ice cold water soaking your clothes.

You ran away from reach of the water and he turned off the water and got ready to sprint not wanting to waste more than you two already had.

"you're dead" you charged towards him and he laughed as he ran away from you. When he got to the other side of the island he slipped, landing on his ass which caused you to laugh. But that turned into a very audible scream as you tripped over your feet but the male's body broke your fall.

He grunted when you landed on him and sighed in defeat and just laid all the way back on the wooden floor, leaving you essentially straddling him. Neither of you noticed the position you were in as you placed your hands on his chest to support your weight as you dropped your head to catch your breath.

When you lifted your head again you observed the position you were in. When it registered your eyes grew wide. The Blonde was looking at you curiously as he had noticed the position while you were catching your breath.

"this is so embarrassing, oh my gosh" you rapidly stood up and slapped your hand over your mouth. You groaned as embarrassment washed over you and walked to your room in defeat.

When you got to the top of the stairs, you shouted "your food is burning"

He cursed under his breath and shot up off the floor and into the kitchen to see his food was definitely burnt and unsalvageable. He had been to caught in a trance, the recent events of how fucking sexy you looked with your clothes soaked and you on top of him.

You were bad news for him. He knew it wouldn't be long before he caught  feelings for you, he just got attached easily. It wasn't anything he could help. But if anything he was definitely going to make sure your feelings towards him changed in the process.

You paced around your room, you needed to go outside and touch some grass because ain't no way. You threw a sweatshirt over your head and a pair of matching sweats. Grabbing your phone and your purse, you walked out of your room and downstairs. You seen katsuki watching tv and as you passed by, his gaze followed you, just lingering on your back.

It's as if he couldn't look away as you slipped on a pair of slides and grabbed your keys from the hook. "ill be back in a few hours" his brows furrowed at that.

"where are you going?" he asked as he stood up from his place on the couch.

You shrugged not knowing where you, yourself was going. "i have no idea" you sighed as the morning sun kissed your skin and the light breeze tickled your arms.

"can i come wi-" he started but you instantly cut him off.

"no" you went to shut the door but he stopped it.

"please" you walked away from your house, shaking your head as he still asked.

You got into your car and locked the doors when you were inside. Not wasting any time you pulled out of the driveway and just drove to nowhere in particular. You just drove, without any destination in mind.

You drove around for hours and at this point had now been going in circles for the past hour. 'didn't i pass this park like 5 times already' you thought to yourself.

You were dreading going home, why? you didn't know. Why did you leave him at your house by himself? Well you didn't know the answer to that either.

"what if he's selling drugs in my basement" you said under your breath. You stopped exaggerating and went home.

Thankfully when you got back he was sprawled tiredly across the couch and not in your basement doing trade offs,
which caused a smile to tug at your lips.

His eyes fluttered open at the sound of the front door closing. "y/n?" his voice was groggy and heavily laced with sleep.

You hummed in acknowledgment as you took off your slides and set your keys on one of the hooks by the door. "you were gone for 5 hours, where did you go?" the male asked, rubbing his eyes and getting up, making his way over to you.

"i just drove around" you answered plainly and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Your mind elsewhere, places it shouldn't be.

"oh, can i help?" the male gestured to
you cutting peppers. You nodded and safely handed him a knife. The two of you made conversation about the most random things but nonetheless, it flowed beautifully with a few laughs and giggles here and there.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

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