My Drummer Boys: Ignite the inferno

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I woke up at 12:30pm. The usual time most teens I know awake from their blissfull rest. And as a normal teen girl, I reached for my phone and checked my Facebook page like it was the morning paper.

I went into my messages and spotted one that caught my eye.

From: Terry Marx

"Hey Alexis. Jacob wants to know if you wanna hang out with us, sometime before summer breaks over? I thought we could, maybe make a band together. You know, Jacob could play drums, I could play guitar, and you could sing :) well...message me back soon so we can start planning a date to jam together. :) btw miss you babydoll"

My heart beat began to pick up. I had been in the same homeroom as Terry all of 2012 and we were pretty good friends.

But Jacob, he was a totally different story. He was one of the cutest guys I had ever met. Typical perfection. Bright blue eyes, with a slight hint of green, they reminded me of the ocean on a perfectly clear day. Soft, smooth, light brown hair. And a smile that could stop your heart. He was a stunner, an absolute show stopper. And to top it all off. He was an amazing drummer.

I looked at all the missed calls on my phone. Seven missed calls from Mitchell. My boyfriend. That was unusual of him. Normally its hard for me to even get him to text me back let alone call me. I thought I should call him back, but I hesitated and decided to reply to Terry first.

"Hey weasel. Hope your holidays are going well. About the band idea...I think its a great idea. Im available tomorrow if you wanna meet up just to chill together. :) btw I miss you to weasel. <3 xox"

Pleased with my reply, I pressed send and decided to text Mitchel.

"Hey hun. Txt me if you want me to call. Sorry about not picking up last night. I needed my beauty sleep ;) xox love you <3"

Close enough, I though as I pressed send. I hope he's not mad at me for not talking to him for two days. I mean its not that long.

Mitchels a typical 19 year old. He wants to go partying, play his games 24/7 and hook-up with as many girls as possible. Some how I had managed to tame him a little. Mitchell and I had been together nearly four months. We use to Skype everynight. We use to txt every second of the day. But then we started slipping away. He always reassures me that we're not slipping away from each other, and that helps because I use to get side tracked by pretty boys But now I'm sure he's the only one I want. We've never met face to face before. But I know I want to be his. And I can't stand the though of him ever being another girls Prince charming. And also, Mitchell is a drummer.

Jacob is a little distracting though.


I look down at my phone as message alerts me of a new message.

From: Terry Marx

"I can't make it tomorrow but Jacob said you could go over to his and hang with him for a bit, and have a lil bit of a Jam ^_^. I'll add him to the conversation. And you two can sort it out. I gtg. bye babydoll :)."

A sudden nervousness came over me as I saw Jacob Wright's name being added to the conversation.

I pick up my guitar to try calm myself down.

"Uhm....Hey Alexis"

My heart rate picks up.


Oh crap. I had been staring at the message for more than 10 minutes.

"hey Jacob :)" I quickly reply

"What's up?"

"Uhm...nothing much. Just sitting around playing guitar and singing. What about you? :)"

"Just putting my new drum kit together :D you should come over and we could play some tunes together. :)"

Oh gawsh...he's inviting me over already? Wow. we haven't even been talking for 20 minutes and he's inviting me over.

"Sure. I'd love to come over. When and where? :)" A huge smile begins to stretch across my face as I think about spending the day with Jacob.

"Any time tomorrow. I'll be home alone. So you can just come over. Or we could meet at school, since you don't know where I live and you would probably have trouble finding it... ;P"

Butterflies fill my stomach with nervous joy as I think about how ti reply.

"We can meet up outside school tomorrow and walk to yours. I gtg. ttyl :)" I grabbed my bag and a couple things and headed to my best friends house to spend the day with her. And discuss Jacob and Mitchell. I don't know how to feel about going to Jacobs house. Only time will tell. But these feelings welling up in my stomach aren't good. I need to talk to Cassandra. ASAP!

well. I'm sorry its so short. and probably not the best. I'm nit the greatest of writers xP oh well.

the next chapter will be the night before all this happened from Mitchell's perspective. So be ready for drama, drama, and more drama. And find out why Mitchell tried to call Alexis so many times.

btw I really need someone to help me edit these...because I'm writting this from my phone.

so message me. vote and comment. thanks guys :) <3

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