Cassandra house

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Lexi's POV

I grab out my phone and quickly type in a txt for my best friend Cassie.

"Hey Cassie. Can we meet up like...ASAP! I need to talk to you..."

After a few seconds I see a text from one of my best friend. "Hey Lexi, why the hell haven't you come over to mines in, like, forever!! Miss you lots xox"

I smile at the reminder that I haven't seen her for a few weeks, since its the summer holidays.

"I'll be over in about 30 minutes. K see yah soon. :) xo"

I get a text back nearly instantly

"Get your smexy butt over here pronto ;3 can't wait to see you <3"

I grab my stuff and practically sprint to Cassies. Its quite far away from my house, but I make it there in about half an hour.

My legs where shaking when I got there. I ran to the door and barged in, since I'm usually there and it's become a kind of second home for me.

"I'm in here" I heard Cassie's melodic voice coming from the other end of the house.

"Hey" I ran to Cassie and threw my arms over her shoulders and nearly tackled her over in my embrace.

"So...I heard you need to chat to me about something?" Cassie was beaming her perfect smile at me while playing with her long blonde hair. She was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen, and still after 3 years of being friends, her beauty still amazes me.

"Yeah, about that...."

"oh hurry up you drama queen" she moaned as we walked out of the kitchen and into the lounge.

"Fine. Terry and Jacob want to me to go hang out with them."

"Well. What's the problem you silly nunu?" She knew what the problem was and was about to burst with laughter as she came over and placed her self right next to me on the couch.

"Your such a dick sometimes Cassie." I pushed her off the couch and went to grab the remote to turn on the t.v (I was planning to stay for a while, since it was only 11am)


"TIME!!" Cassie screams as she rubs straight into me and we both collapse on the couch and settle in for our daily dosage of Adventure Time.

"I'm hungry" I moan, as Cassie begins to drift asleep after 2 solid hours of watching Adventure Time.

"Get to the kitchen then" she winks at me and I push off onto the rug, where she decides to roll up into a ball and fall asleep. She looked adorable, her blonde hair cascading over her back and her arms. Some times when we had sleep overs, I would wake up early and look over to Cassie and I could imagine angel wings laying limp besides her resting body. She was always blessed with good looks. She was pale, but suited her. Where as, I'm tan. I'm not totally bad looking, but I'm nothing compared to her. I have straight dark red hair, just past my shoulders. She has straight bleach blonde hair, that reaches just past the middle of her back. We've been best friends since yr 9. I was 12 when I first met her, she was 13. During the first two years of our friendship we had been mere acquaintances. But through yr 11, we had been put in the same homeroom and from there our friendship grew. I went to her house nearly everyday.

"Have you made me my food yet, kitchen bitch" I hear Cassie yell from the lounge. I honestly have to shove some of this popcorn down her throat.

"Really Cassie? You know I could just kick your ass if I wanted, but I chose not to because I have self control."

"No, you just know that you love me to much to even think of hurting me" I see her strike her innocent face as I walk into the lounge.

"Shut up" I throw popcorn at her and she catches one in her mouth.

"Boom! Like a ninja."

======the previous night======

Mitchell's POV

"Cassandra, get off me!" I yelled. I can't believe I could have been such an idiot. I came here knowing some thing like this would happen.

"You know your getting sick of her. You never see her, she never makes time for you." Every single word comes out as a whispered purr. She moves to straddle me but I get up to leave. I should never have believed her. She said that her and Lexi where having a sleep over. But I knew that Lexi was at home because I was stung her until she fell asleep.

"Just stop Cassie. I'm leaving" and with that I crashed out the door, with tears streaming down my face. I didn't live that far away from Cassies so I decided I'd walk. I took out my phone and called Lexi. I needed to tell her everything before her 'friend' told her a load of crap about me.

I've lost a track of how many calls and text I've sent. I suppose I just have to go to sleep and hope she reads them and calls me tomorrow morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2013 ⏰

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