Darling~ (SovAme fluff)

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This story will start of from when they are children, cause I had no idea how to start this story of okay

Requested by the lovely: GoToSleep4242

  America's Pov

     It was somewhere in the 1600's I don't keep track of time and I barely know English, I'm not fluent and Im not exactly bad at it, according from what I heard from the other castle workers that Britain's sent invitations a few months ago to his buddies to show me and my brother off. They'd be smart not to show up but boy was I wrong about almost a few months later there were countries and even wealthy people that showed up. For what, to see some kidnapped natives that Britain calls prized possessions. I just wanted to get out of there feeling my way through the crowd I bumped into another person (gt) "Смотреть это" (Watch where you're going) "I sorry" I stammered trying to help the person, it was a different country's child. I adjusted to cloth tied to my head "Arre you blind?" I don't know what it was that made his voice attractive, the way he rolled his r's or his accent "Answerrr me" he said. I felt someone grab my arm pulled me up taking me outside. When we got outside I realized who it was... Confederate "Hey United did he hurt you" "No" "You can tell me" "He no hurt me I bumped into him" "Okay are you sure? And it's also Didn't" "Otay"

Soviets pov

     At some point I have lost my father and tried looking for him, I pushed my way through the crowd then when suddenly I bumped into another person "I sorry" the person spoke in broken englsh trying to help me up (gt) "Смотреть это" I said to him he didn't look like the type who spoke Russian but he seemed to know what I meant cause his response was "I sorry" he adjusted the cloth tied to his head when some other guy grabbed him by the arm dragging him away, but before that he gave me a glare, he was slightly shorter then me but somewhat intimidating. I'll try to find the other kid, I'm going to find him, he seems interesting, and maybe kinda cute... Wtf... Pull yourself together... But it's not a lie... Right...

America's Pov

     I started making my way up to a tree because I like climbing trees reminds me of my native life, and its funny cause when Britain looks for me he doesn't think twice about look up. I began looking at the sunsetting, it's not ugly but is not the prettiest I've ever seen *Crack*...

Nobody's pov

     "Ahhh" the American screamed falling out of the tree, lucky for him someone caught him, it was the same kid from earlier "Oh sorrry uh did I starrrdle you?" "I didn't think you'd be in trrree" "I fine" "Uh do you mean 'I'm fine'?" "Uh yes" The American finally comprehending what happened started turning red realizing that he was in someone else's arm, Soviet saw this and started blushing a little to, but you couldn't tell "Ahem my name is Soviet" "New England" "Soo you'rrre the one behind all this commotion, No?" "You'rrre the kid that Britain thrrrew parrrty forrr" "Yes" "I don't like attention" "I see"

💙💙After almost a week these two got along pretty well both denying that the actually had a crush on the other💙💙

     Nobody's pov

     America was in the garden picking out a rose, when he suddenly got hugged from behind, he turned around to see his friend, "What wrong?" "Good bye New England" "W-What" the smaller spoke "If you don't rrrememerrr the parrrty was only a week" "Meaning I have to go back to rrrusia tomorrow" at this point N.E was crying, he doesn't like losing people "Will I see you again?" "Of course you will... Darrrling~" he said kissing the American on the forehead before running to find his father... Poor America not knowing how to react just squealed like a fangirl...

     Soviets pov

     I was on the ship back to Russia thinking about America, I slid my hands into my pocket to feel... A flower, not only a flower, a rose, from what I've learned about New England the past week was that he loved roses, this made me feel special and decided that I was going to keep it as a souvenir for as long as I can.

💙💙💙💙💙Years later💙💙💙💙💙

Nobody's pov

     " Every one listen up, especially you America, we have a new member, please come up and introduce yourself" "Previt I am the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR" that strange familiar accent struck America, almost in the heart, the accent he hasn't heard in so long, could that be him, he was going to have to find out him self.

     Soviets Pov

     I was doing my introduction when I spotted a somewhat familiar face, He kinda looked like New England but instead of the British flag in the corner I was replaced with a blue box with approximately over 30 stars (you didn't expect him to count each individual star now did you) I waited for this to be over to find the person again, shoving my way though the crowd of countries I made it to the place I last saw the man, I was in luck he was still there.

America's Pov

     I had to get ready for my flight when I heard a "Hello New England, I hearrr your name is America now" I immediately knew it was Soviet because of him saying my colony name "Oh and yours is USSR now" I jokingly said "It's been awhile old frrriend why don't we catch up" he said grabbing my hand pulling me towards the exit, i could feel myself turning hot and a little red.

💙💙💙💙💙💙 After 💙💙💙💙💙💙

Nobody's pov

"Wow a lot happened afterrr that day" "Yep" "I see you've gotten a lot better at English to Darling" America blushed at Soviet stupid little remark, the Russian only let out a chuckle "So, ehem did you get that rose I slipped into you pocket?" He said embarrassed "Of course I did" "it's also kinda cute and corny of you too" "shut up" Soviet only chuckled, he liked the way he got mad and embarrassed at the same time "what ever you say darling~"

Oh my goodness thank the Lord I have finished, I might edit this if you don't like it, I genuinely tried my best, I did this at the last minute when I got the idea, oh and this is the definition of me making a beautiful ship in a trashy oneshot, apologies for the book jumping all over the place. I hope you enjoyed this one shot!!!

Peace 😩

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