It all began the day I laid eyes on her. I was new to mitchell I was still that shy little boy with a dark past. I walked into the classroom and the first thing I see is her- the most perfect girl I have ever seen in my life. Many people don't believe in love at first sight... And to be honest I didn't either ... Until I saw her. She was tall and had a beautiful body, but what stood out the most was her eyes . I looked into her dark brown eyes and I lost myself . It's like everything disappeared and I could only see her . I looked into those eyes and I saw a girl who has been hurt . And then I saw her smile.... I didn't even know her name yet and her smile already warmed my heart. her smile was beautiful , but something was missing , I could tell . She didn't want to smile , I could tell because I do the same thing every day. She was sad on the inside but she had a beautiful outer shell that smiled so no one would find out She is sad. I on the other hand was not this lucky, I was born well... A fuck up . I'm not gunna lie , I'm pretty ugly but people still never look twice when they see my "smile" . Anyway I don't want to get off topic, so here I was standing in the middle of the door looking at this angel from heaven and then the bell rings . Everyone is just staring at me like"the fuck is this retard doing?" So I hurry and sit down and mr. Fox gives me that look like" what are u doing " . Later in the class I hear her name for the first time. Amber.(her name has been changed so that she may not be bothered by me writing this , though many of u reading this know who I'm talking about). Amber was so outgoing and loud and fun and had so much energy , I had just met her and I was already in love. many days pass and all I can think about is her .so finally I go up to her friend and tell her to ask Amber if she wanted to go to the upcoming dance with me. I waited a few days hoping , wondering what she will say. Until finally I get my response.