Chapter 1- Remember

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Currently being rewritten as we speak :)

Y/n could remember that night like it was yesterday. She was standing outside of a little trinket shop just down the road from the Hokage building. It was the most busy street in the whole village. She was thirteen at the time and talking to her best friend about the upcoming Chuunin exams when she heard her name being called. She'd scanned the crowd for who the voice had belonged to.

The voice was of a young child. They sounded frightened and like they'd been crying. When she finally locked eyes with a young Sasuke who was pushing his way through the small crowd of people that were still on the streets, she bent down on one knee to Sasuke's level and opened her arms allowing him to hug her. He held her tight and cried into her shoulder.

"Hey, kid what's wrong? Why're you out so late and why aren't you at home with your parents?"

Sasuke tightly gripped her shirt. Y/n noticed a cut on Sasuke's arm. It wasn't super deep but it still worried her.

"They're- I-Itachi he-..."

Y/n furrowed her brow in concern. She knew something was very wrong.

She put her hands on Sasuke's shoulders and held him in front of her.

"Sasuke. What happened?" She asked, looking into his eyes with a serious expression.

Sasuke sobbed and desperately tried to wipe his tears away but they were quickly replaced.

"They're...dead. I-Itachi he... killed t-them." He said between sobs

Y/n froze, holding her breath in shock. It felt like the world was standing still, like everything was moving in slow motion.

Tears stung her eyes and a knot formed in her throat. She quickly choked it down and readjusted her legs in a crisscross position around Sasuke's feet, pulling his head down to her chest and wrapping her other arm around the boy's waist. He tightly hugged her back and let go of the little control he had left of his emotions.

"Kakashi, go tell the Hokage. I've got Sasuke."

Kakashi, Y/n's best friend, nodded and quickly dashed to the Hokage's office.

Sasuke shifted a bit in Y/n's grasp before she felt his body go limp.

"S-Sasuke!?" Sasuke, are you okay!?"

Y/n panicked for a moment before realizing he had just passed out from exhaustion and devastation, no doubt.

"It's okay, Suke(pronounced Tsukki). You deserve to rest. I've got you, I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you." Sasuke softly mumbled in response as Y/n took off toward the hospital.


The next day was just as rainy and gloomy. Y/n walked over to the Uchiha village and ducked under the caution tape.

She walked through the once joyful streets.

"How could this happen to them? These streets were once so bright and full of life but now..." Y/n thought as she continued down the street.

She walked until she got to Sasuke's house. She slid open the door and walked around the back, sitting down on the step. She watched the lazy clouds pull themselves across the sky, threatening to rain again.

She closed her eyes, picturing herself with Itachi on the step.


Y/n and Itachi were sitting on the back step of the house after a long day of training.

Y/n was wrapping her wrist with a bandage, listening to Sasuke giggle behind her.

"You're not getting away that easy!"

Just come home - Itachi x Reader (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now