"Michie! and friend" A boy with blond hair said. "Friend here has a name" I said with attitude. He looked taken aback but quickly recovered. "Come on in" he said brightly. We first walked into the living room only to be seen by 4 boy's playing guitar hero. Pifft. They were horrible at it, in my opinion, to them and Mich they probably thought they were great. "wow guys you're good" Mich said while watching them play. "thanks" they said acting like they are champions.
"You think that was great" I said starting to laugh "I think a dog could do better than you!" I said. "Not that there's that much of a difference, between you and dogs I mean" I said glaring at them while giving them attitude. "Burn!!!!!" The blond one said he was behind me "You to blondie!" I said having my chin line with my elbow while glaring at him. It was silent for a while. Everyone just glared at me.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Michie screamed everyone jumped but me 'caz I'm use to it. She took all the boys into the kitchen. Leaving me in the living room by myself. I decided to wonder the house. I came across many rooms but I found one with a piano. I looked back down stairs. Everyone was talking in the kitchen. I went in the room and shut the door quietly so no one could here and started to sing and play my first song ever.
-go ahead and click on the youtube video now :)-
During the song Michie sat next to me and started singing with. The guys gathered around the piano and sang back up. When I was done I was tearing up caz this song reminded me so much of the past, it was like a flash back. I just sat there staring at the white and black keys. Maybe they wern't so bad. It's the lyrics that don't make seance, that I don't understand. Ugh! Now I want to write a song for them. Maybe I could- "Who's hungry!" Mich yelled while standing up. Ugh! she is so good at interrupting my thoughts!
Making me fall on the piano chair. I was now again in the feet dangling-looking at ceiling position. I glared at her "Great Mich you get to carry me to the kitchen"I said as I stretched out my arms. She just sighed and carried me down stairs. "For a second I didn't think you were going to do it" The one with stripes said "It's not a problem seance she's 20 kilos under weight" I swore I was about to kill Mich. Everyone froze except for Mich and I. After a few seconds they caught up with us. "You starve yourself???" Curly asked surprised.
"Not by choice" I replied. Everyone again froze. "Yummy! Food!" I yelled when we got in the kitchen. "Ugh! I'm so hungry" I whined "I'm hungrier" Blondie said smirking. "Wanna bet" I said with a competitive smile "Your on! If I win I get a kiss" He said smiling evilly at me. "If I win you have to admit ON A TWITTCAM that BTR(Big Time Rush) is better than One Direction" I said, it was a risk I was willing to take. "Pfitt, you're on" Niall and I sat next to each other. There was a small wall like thing to separate each others plates.
Of course everyone else place bets. I think stripes, and Mich were on my team.
We each had 3 equally sized big burgers on a plate. Who ever is done first or finished the most wins.
-------------------------------3 large sized burgers later------------------------------------
"DONE!" "DONE!" OMFG oh Mother of dicks... "I BEAT BLONDIE AT AN EATING COMPACTION!" "We know we just saw it." Mr.Quiet said "Oh I guess I was speaking me mind" I said while giving them a cheeky smile. Curly returned one back to me. "Bondie has a name" Blondie said pointing to himself while looking down in shame. "Aww blondie I feel bad" I said faking my sadness "So you're not gonna make me do the twitt cam"
He said looking at me with puppy eyes. That Mich was once telling me all about. I did raspberry's "HELL NO!!! We made a bet and you lost! Where's the laptop!" I said. Mich and Stripes looked like they were gonna explode with laughter. Everyone just glared, except for Niall and I. Niall looked confused as fuck. I knew...everyone placed different bets. Pfft, this should be fun "Izzy,-" stripes started, but I quickly interrupted him "And how did you know my name" I said Quickly shooting my head over to stripes.

Why Would You Love Me
FanfictionIzzy Carter is a badass girl who hates One Direction. When two of the guys have an interist in her, what will she do. Will she reject or choose.