Prank Calling

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"OMG! One Direction there doing a twitt cam Izzy come look" I herd Michie scream from the living room "Oh Mich I would love to come, but i'm to busy running away from you." I yelled as I jumped off the kitchen counter and ran upstairs. She makes me whatch One Direction twitt cams for punishment for pranking her. "Izzy don't make me come up there and get you" Mich yelled from down stairs. Yeah, today her room was filled with honey, silly string, and whipped cream. I also got her facial hair, the shapie is a magical marker.

I just sat on my bed for less than 10 seconds and here comes Mich smiling evily at me. "They just annouced ther doing an extra long twitt cam so you have to sit through One Direction for 2 hours" she said pulling me by my hair down stairs. "Mich! Michie! The hair! The hiar!" At that moment I pulled her hair and soon we were in a tug-of-war. after about 30 seconds Michie won. Michie can be a very violent girl.

She's like a little chawawa, or a little armidilo or something. "So whats on the channal Gay Direction today?" I asked laughing to my self. "There not gay they have bromances!!!" Mich tecnally screamed at me. While smacking me upside the head. "Yeah bromance romance same thing" I said not paying attention to the 5 boys who were sitting on stairs.

Mich was really into it, I took a nap and it was great, except when I woke up Mich was still whatching those boys. I decided to pay attention for once. "@5Hand1D said to prank call this number...Wanna do it guys" a curly haired boy asked. "Leggo!!!" a guy with suspenders yelled. They went ahead and started calling. My phone rang Mich looked back.

*That your looken for a boyfriend

I see that

Give me time,you know I'm gonna be there

don't be scared to come and put your trust in me,

can't you see all I really want to be is your boyfriend

can't fight that

let me down you know i'm coming right back

I dont care at all what you've done before

All i really want is to be your,

Your boy boy b-b-b-b-b- boyfriend(3x)

All I really want is to be your-*

We looked at each other and shrugged it off. Nah! One Direction can't be prank calling us. The phone stoped ringing. "Awww they didn't answer :(" the one with stripes whined. "Try it again"A blonde one said. So he did. Our phone started to ring again. "Do you think-" I stopped in mid way sentece to being push back in the chair i was sitting in 'caz aparently I was in Michies way of getting the phone.

Now I was on my back of the chair and my feet were danggling on the other side of the chair. "OMG is this One Direction!!!" Mich tecnecaly screamed. I herd talking on the line. "You've got to be kidding me" "IZZY SHUT UP I'M TALKING TO MY IDALES!!!!" Mich screamed right after finishing my mumble. I was in my feet danggling-looking at ceiling- position for about 10 mintues. "Izzy get ready we are going to somebodys house" Mich said excidetly "Please don't tell me we're going over THERE house" I said whining refering to those 5 gay walres singing twats.

"Yes we are and YOU are going to because of this morning!" she told me while smerking. "Ugh! Out of all the times I prank you, it just had to be now" "Well I think you prank me because of you personality, and maybe your parents" she mumbled the last part. "Please don't bring them up" I said with no emotion while walking past her like she was invisable. My parents we're an emotional topic for me. My biological parents we're the greatest thing in my life.

They always have a laugh, they never get mad about anything, they make each day count, they always like to have fun. But that all ended on my 10th birthday. A stupid drunk driver is all i need to crush me, to crush our family, to crush my specal day. I was the only suviver. My mom and dad on the other hand, wern't so lucky. They pasted 45 mintues after the accident.

After that I was imeadentaly sent to an orphange. After about 2 days at the orphange I was mute, on that same day I was adopted and beaten and other things I wouldn't like to reamember. They died in a burning building. Whitch means back to an orphange. This happened about 3 times with all diffrent tragitys. Gang fights, to much ahcahole, gun accident. I got adopted by a very nice family, but of course in my world, all happy things must come to an end. They got in a car crash with the same reason as my parents, a drunk driver. I was about 14 yrs old. (A.K.A for years i've been mute) After that, I decided to put on my big girl pants and after 2 months I wasn't mute. I was tired of being the scared fragile little girl.

Michie was my only friend in high school she told me how she lives by her self and how her parents died. She offered me to live with her and I happliy accepted. A year later I wrote my first song Skyscraper on a piano when I was 15.

-guys I know Demi Lovato sang and wrote (i think) Skyscraper but lets use our emagination and say that Izzy wrote it and is going to sing it in probably the next chapter. Also, Izzy's voice sounds like Demi's (raspy but sweet and soulful)-

I wrote another song but it was more upbeat and happy when I was 16. I'm 18 now and obviously Michie found out I write songs. We know a recording studio down the street and we go there all the time....................................................................................................

WOW! I was so focused on my past I didn't realize we are already at there house, i mean umm...errrrr...mantion. Okay time to put my game face on. I started jumping up and down shaking my hands but not excidedly. In a more nervouse kind of way. Ok up to the porch.

*Ding Dong*


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Yes the youtube video to the side is Big Time Rushes Boyfriend A.K.A Izzy's ringtone :)

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