Chapter 1

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It was a dark, rainy night and Seraphina had gotten caught in the storm. Ducking beneath one of the Florentine rooftops, she looked out to the streets, not seeing many out at this time of night. Though with the recent disappearances and stories of daemon, vampires, and werewolves, it wasn't difficult to see why.

Seraphina jumped as she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. When she turned around to see who it was, she was met with the sight of a rather attractive woman in elegant attire. The woman, who couldn't have been older than 14 years of age, was clothed in a dress of deep scarlet and silver of the purest moonbeam. It was relatively easy to judge the female's age as the young one smiled with an innocent expression. What threw Seraphina for a loop was the look in the girl's deep chestnut eyes which, in the current dreary lighting, looked almost the same hue as freshly spilled blood.

"Ciao, signorina. Are you lost? It is relatively simplistic to do in this large of a city." The girl said with a light peal of laughter that put the choirs of the angels on high to shame-something Seraphina had been very familiar with at one point in time. This girl – no, this woman – was definitely not the child that Seraphina had originally perceived her as.

"My apologies! Where are my manners? I am Vincenza Angioletto da Firenze. Might I be so bold as to inquire your name, signorina?" She asked, giving that same innocent smile.

Being what she was, Seraphina couldn't lie. Lies were the works of the daemon. Therefore, she told Vincenza the truth.

"My name? Well, it is Seraphina Del Cielo. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Signorina Vincenza."

"Likewise, my dear." Vincenza replied, giving another peal of lighthearted laughter.

What Seraphina wanted to know but was too afraid to ask -because of what the answer would be- was just how old was Vincenza? The being of celestial origins knew of many creatures that walked among -and fed on- the humans she had been sent to protect. One such creature was a daemon by the name of Domonicai, who had mindlessly slaughtered many a village and left no remains. His reason being cruel, sadistic joy, if the rumors that she had heard were true.

However, she knew as well as any to not put much faith into such tales. After all, humans seemed to delight in spooking one another with gruesome stories such as this one. Seraphina pitied them for not knowing the truth of which they spoke. Nor was she at liberty to enlighten them as any angel who interfered in human lives was cast down, forbade to ever return.

"Seraphina, I am curious what has you looking so troubled and your eyes seeming as if you desire to weep until Firenze is identical to Venezia." The woman remarked with a playful smirk on her lips.

Vincenza's words pulled Seraphina out of her reverie much like a mother's gentle touch would wake a sleeping child. She blinked her silvery hues quickly in an attempt to clear her mind.

"My apologies. My thoughts have a habit of running away from me, I must admit." Seraphina admitted, giving a slightly embarrassed laugh. She hoped with every fiber of her being that Vincenza wasn't one of the beings she'd come to Earth to battle for the free will and lives of the humans that her leader cherished. The angel had a feeling she was going to find out soon enough. Whether she liked it or not.

Vincenza gave a soft chuckle and a smile at Seraphina's words. Her gaze went toward the sky and for a fleeting moment, there was a look of panic to the pale woman's features. That moment passed as quickly as it had arrived.

"I do hope that we meet again, dear Seraphina. But I must be on my way." She remarked in that deceivingly innocent tone that had misled Seraphina at the beginning of their conversation.

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