Chapter 2

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     Over the course of the next couple weeks, Seraphina and Vincenza had met with one another several times. Every time, it was typically tense with one unsure how to approach the other without any malevolent feelings afterward. At this point in their current meeting, it seemed that it was going to be the same as every time before. But it wasn't going to remain that way for long.

Vincenza lowered her head, running a hand through her long blue-black locks as she cleared her throat.

"Forgive me amica mia but must our every meeting be filled with such awkward silence?"

Seraphina looked up as her silvered gaze had found itself on the marbled floor of Vincenza's home at the intense silence that had begun to cocoon the two. Her eyes met Vincenza's rubied gaze. Once again, the celestial displayed her incapability to lie.

"I beg your pardon? Sorry, I was uncertain of how to best address our little... Problem." She admitted with a faint, almost invisible blush coming to blossom across her features.

As Vincenza took notice of the color flooding to the angel's cheeks, she gave a gentle tilt of her head with a single lock of her hair choosing that very instant to momentarily obscure her crimson orbs which sparkled with a curious glimmer.

"Might I inquire what has you such a radiant hue of red, my dearest?" She questioned, a light smirk playing at the edges of her blood red lips. She didn't notice the term of endearment that she had just used to address the celestial in front of her.

Seraphina stumbled back a step, stunned by Vincenza's words. It took her a moment to gather her wits about herself once more so that she didn't do something that she would regret after it occurred. An exceedingly nervous peal of laughter passed the angel's lips, which were parted in a nearly perfect O shape. The smirk on Vincenza's lips widened by the slightest hint of a fraction.

"My, my... Did I steal the very breath away from those all too delicious lips of yours, tesora?" Vincenza inquired, deliberately flattering the obviously innocent Seraphina.

Once more, Seraphina was struck speechless by what the vampiress had said. The angel's thoughts stopped dead in their tracks. Her heart sped into a breakneck frenzy, nearly roaring in her ears. From how Vincenza's pupils dilated, there was no doubt that her highly sensitive ears had picked up on this.

Without a moment of hesitation, the vampiress crossed the slight distance that separated them. Out of surprise, Seraphina stumbled back and fell onto the soft cushioned couch behind her. Her head bounced off of the wall and in this moment of distraction, Vincenza took advantage of the prone angel's disorientation and sat in Seraphina's lap. Her craving for blood made the starved vampiress mindless as her fangs impaled themselves into the soft, supple flesh of the angel's throat.

A pained gasp ripped from Seraphina. In those silvered orbs, a look of truest and absolute fear was reflected. It was this tiny whisper of a sound gracing Vincenza's ears that pulled the vampiress from her temporary insanity.

"Mio dio! I am so sorry, Sera!" She exclaimed with a genuine look of genuine disturbance to her features.

Yanking her head back, she forcibly removed herself from the immediate vicinity of where Seraphina sat in the blink of an eye. The angel stared in front of her with a blank look to her silvered gaze. This was enough to send Vincenza into a panic.

"Sera, answer me!" She called out, crimson tears pooling in her eyes as she hoped to break through to the sangel in some way, no matter how small.

Vincenza fiercely shook her head to silence the panic shouting in her mind. Forcing herself into movement, she crouched at Seraphina's feet with her hands on the other woman's knees. The celestial still had that far off look to her gaze. It took the vampiress a monumental effort to meet that gaze, but she managed to do so.

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