new start

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Amor directing at his screen
"whats wrong bby?" uh idk amors chair name :/
"please leave me alone, idk why the fandom made you T_T" Amor said
"could said that in a better way" (idfk) Charina

Amor slouched on his desk dying of bordem, while looking at his mini figuries of his GD(geomatry dash) icons on his desk, wishing they could turn into a reality but only knowing they could only be in his computer plus he not a coder.. but he knew who was

He hopped in a call with a coder of his bob n bosip mod and greeted them

"HI ASH" amor said exciteingly

"Hey amor" ash said pret quietly

"I havva question for you" amor said

"Are you cheating on me?" Charina said

"Shut the fuck up" amor said to charina

"What?" Ash said not know if they should be confused or conserded

"Nothing, so what i wanted to say was, you know how you code bob and bisop and soon the other members into the game"


"I was wondering if you can be able to code the bob gang in real life, like they are in real life and not in the game" amor said smiling at his screen

"I was wondering if you can be able to code the bob gang in real life, like they are in real life and not in the game" amor said smiling at his screen

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"Are you drunk?"

"No im not!" amor said offended

"You know thats kinda imposible?"

"You dont know til we try" :)

"Yknow im just gunna go along with this, til you relize" ash said as if they was disappointed in their(idk their pronouce :p) own child

"YAY!, ok so lets start trymaking the codes while i do the sprites and try to make this a reality" amor said excitingly

"Um yeah ok" ash said

>>hours has past by, staying in a vc, typing, drawing, looking, cries, and coutless amor cries<<

"Amor this isnt gunna work weve been doing this for hours!" Ash said a lil iratated

"Well were not fully sure yet-"

"Yeah im sure!" Ash being a bit more louder and more irritated 

"Here how about we try the coding together, (even tho i dont know how)"

{ash thinking about giving him one last chance, to prove him wrong}

"Ok I guess"

"YES" amor said exciteingly tired

>>few more hours go by trying, crying and getting the last result<<


"Can we atleast try and test it before we give up, if it deosnt work you can you were right then"

"Ok" ash said exsusatingly

"Ok run the code" amor prepping the GD icons on his floor, waiting for something to happen











Ash Sigh's

"Good night amor" says as leaving the call

>>3rd pov<<

Silence and sparrow filled  the room

Amor just watching the icons on the floor

And just decided to go to bed to get his mind off it as he was sleep deprived rn, (its 3 fucking am)

So he goes to bed, and goes to sleep








A random light starts shining?


350 words

Ok i know this was trash so far, i rushed this so i can make the good chapters already

Anyways like my mini drawing i did to make sum atmosphere i guess :] ?

Ama be making more of them since i enjoyed making them

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