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A/N if anyone has some requests for
JJ/Emily one shots or other ships?
⚠️TW- mentions of self - harm and

General POV

Emily Prentiss was never one to show her emotions, she would bottle them up till she was was able to deal with the pain it was causing her.

That was till jj came along. She felt safe with jj as if nothing could happen to them if she was there. As soon as they meet there was a bond that could never be broken. Jj and Emily were inseparable, they both wanted to be more than just friends. They finally admitted there feelings for each other a few weeks ago.

They'd just gotten back from a particularly hard case. Emily had gone to chase after the unsub. He'd caught Emily and beaten her. Jj didn't want her to go home alone but Emily insisted she was fine. That was until she had reached her apartment door.

As soon as she closed the door a tear fell down her cheek. They fell until she couldn't breath.

Emily walked into her bathroom and took a razor blade out of her sink drawer. She sat on the bathroom floor. She was to the point that she was numb. She glided the razor across her thigh. It was a feeling she remembered all to well from her teen years.

With each cut she pushed a little harder. Slowly moving to her arms. A little voice I her head saying she deserved this "your not strong enough why does anyone even like you, look at yourself"
It's right she was covered in blood. Dripping down onto the ground forming a puddle.

It was the same voice that tried to get rid of her many time before. One time one of her mother's coworkers found Emily on the ground. She had overdosed on some of her mothers medication.

Emily knows how to hide her struggles, Of corse she does she's a Profiler.

She sat in the floor for what felt like hours. Watching the blood flow out of her cuts. Suddenly she was Interrupted by her phone ringing.

"Prentiss"  she says with a sniffle

"Hey em you ok" jj asked. Emily knows she's in a bad state but thinks people with think she can't work.

"Yea I'm fine" she says quietly

"Are you sure, you don't sound ok"

"Um... actually no. Can you com over" she says tears starting to fall again.

"I'm on my way" jj says hanging up the phone

Fave minutes later Emily heard keys in her front door. She gave jj a key a while back just because they always got to Emily's and she was her closest friend. They had only started dating a few weeks ago.

Emily hasn't moved an inch she's still in her shirt and underwear. She's looking at the wall and sees  jj walk in. She rushes to Emily's side.

"Hey em look at me" jj says sitting right In front of Emily. She looks at jj with sad eyes but jj still thinks there beautiful. "Hey what's going throughout mind right now em? Talk to me. What drove you to cutting yourself?" Jj says with tears in her eyes.

"I...I don't know I felt so numb, but needed to feel something real. I wanted to punish myself for feeling like this. I don't know what to do".

Jj took Emily to the couch and set her down. She went to go get a first aid kit. She doesn't want any of the cuts to get infected. She proceeds to clean and bandage Emily's arms and legs.

Emily sits staring at the wall not registering anything that was going on around her. She has on some level always struggled with depression but it hasn't been this bad for a while. She is on anti-depressants but these past few days have hit her like a train.

Jj sits next to Emily wrapping her in a blanket. Emily cried in jjs arms. Emily let everything out, she keeps trying to apologize but jj kept reminding her she had nothing to be sorry for.

She felt Emily's breath settle and releases she had fallen asleep. It looked like she hadn't gotten much of that recently.

Jj asks hotch for a few days off for her and Emily. He replied instantly letting them have a week off.


Jj woke up before Emily and slowly moved trying not to wake Emily before walking to the bathroom.

A few hours later Emily finally wakes up but doesn't move from the couch. She curled more into the blanket staring off into space.

Jj enters the room hold a cup of water and anti-depressants Emily takes them without saying a word then walks into the bedroom. "Babe I'm going to ho get us some food. Is there anything you want?"

"No im fine" Emily replies a phrase she knew to well.

Emily gets in bed and lays under the covers her body wanting to give up. She didn't have energy to or move, think, or do anything.

An hour later Jj comes back with groceries and Emily is in the exact same position she was in when Jj left.  She's awake but it's like she's disassociating.

Emily's mind is in a dangerous place for her to be in right now after seeing the state she was in yesterday Jj is not leaving her side.

"Babe do you want something to eat? I haven't actually seen you eat something in three days" jj says stroking Emily's hair.

"I'm ok I'm not hungry" Emily says. Jj knows she needs to eat but doesn't want to force Her.


For the following three days Emily stays in bed only getting up to go to the bathroom. Jj is going home to get some clothes but doesn't want to leave Emily.

After Jj leaves, Emily stays in the same position for another hour or so then she walks to the bathroom and takes a bottle of pills, placing a large handful in her mouth and forcing herself to swallow.

Trying to shut the voices in her head up and trying to stop the pain she can't help herself from feeling.

She holds herself against the sink looking at herself in the mirror. She can't help but look at her reflection in disgust. The bags under her eyes, her messy hair and her blemishes are the first thing she notices.

She feels herself falling to the floor and then her vision goes black.

Jj walks in five minutes later to find Emily on the floor. She runs to her side. " No No Emily look at me baby!" She screams and she feels Emily's body go limp in her arms. "No Emily look at me" jj screams as she frantically calls 911.

"Please don't leave me"

A/N- This is just kinda getting my feelings out and putting off doing my homework

Also sorry if I just broke your hearts. I kinda meant to.

Word count 1172

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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