Chapter One - Tell Her

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I slammed my pen onto my table. This was so hard! I don't even know why I'm doing Business Studies when what I really like is acting. But meh. At least I'm making my Desi parents happy.
"Fida!" I heard my mom call me. I left my stupid assignment and went downstairs to see my mom in the living room with Raisa. Raisa was my classmate as well as one of my good friends. Even though she was Bengali and didn't understand Urdu, my mother loved her more than me.
"Why aren't you ready yet?" Raisa put her hands on her waist, standing up.
"Ready? For what?" I frowned. Raisa facepalmed herself.
"I've texted you so many times! We're invited to a party!" Raisa grinned.
"We're invited or you're invited?" I asked. Raisa rolled her eyes.
"Okay, okay. I'm invited. But I want you to come." Raisa pleaded.
"Nah, I don't think so. I still have the Business assignment to do." I refused.
"Jao! You need to be more social." My mom said from behind Raisa.
"Ami! You're telling me this?" I gaped.
"Yeah, see! Even Aunty's on my side. And isn't that due in four weeks? Look, whatever, I'm not taking no for an answer. Go get ready. You have 5 minutes. We're already late." Raisa said, sitting down. I sighed and went upstairs. Raisa was the stubborn type, meaning she had to have her way. I picked out a blue top and put on a bracelet before going down.
"Okay, let's go. Bye aunty!" Raisa grabbed my hand and started rushing out.
"Bye Ami!" I said, trying to balance. I sat in the front seat while Raisa drove.
"So where is this place?" I asked.
"Somewhere in Jackson Heights. I forgot the address but I know where it is. Oh and I have a surprise for you there." Raisa grinned.
"Surprise?" I asked curiously. Raisa nodded. I decided not to ask about it because she wouldn't tell me. We arrived at the place and we went inside. There were loads of people inside, just talking in groups. Raisa led me through the crowds somewhere.
"Oh hey!" Raisa greeted someone but I wasn't paying attention. I was focused on the DJ who looked oddly familiar. I was trying to figure out who it was when Raisa punched me.
"Fida!" Raisa called.
"Huh?" I turned to her.
"As I was saying, this is my friend, Shehry.." I didn't hear anything else. Shehry! From DhoomBros! He was standing right in front of me. I didn't know whether to jump up and down or to start crying. DhoomBros were my favourite YouTubers. They lived in New York as well but I never had the luck to meet them.
"Hi Fida!" Shehry grinned at me, putting his hand out. I shook it, grinning.
"OMG. Shehry. OMG. DhoomBros." I stammered.
"Fan?" Shehry asked. I nodded, grinning. Shehry chuckled.
"Let's take a selfie then?" Shehry asked. I nodded and gave him my phone. Shehry opened the camera and we took around three selfies, including one with Raisa. I took my phone back.
"Um, sorry, can I just ask, how do you know Raisa and I've never known in all these years?" I asked. Raisa laughed.
"Shehry goes to our school!" Raisa said. I looked at Shehry who nodded.
"Yep, me and my brother Hussain. I'm sure you know who he is?" Shehry smiled. My heart missed a beat. I liked all of the DhoomBros but Hussain was my favourite. I guess I had more of a crush on him. He was perfect! I've probably liked all his Facebook pictures. If only he added me. But Hussain goes to my school! I was so excited.
"Oh really? That's awesome!" I grinned, unable to control my beating heart.
"Yeah. He's here right now if you wanna see him. He's around somewhere." Shehry said, looking around.
"It's fine. I'll just go get some drinks." Saying that, I turned around to bump into someone, causing them to spill their drink over me. I looked down at my shirt which was wet. I looked at the guy who I bumped into and nearly fainted. Hussain. I went speechless. The guy I've had a crush on for the last two years was right in front of me for the first time ever. But it wasn't that sweet Hussain I had always seen in the videos. Instead, I was faced with an anger filled Hussain who was glaring at me. He had drink spilled on his shirt as well. He was gritting his teeth.
"Can't you look where you're going? Stupid people." Hussain muttered and walked away. My eyes were stinging with the tears that were threatening to fall.
"Fida, I'm sorry-" Shehry started to say but I ran off.
"Fida!" I heard Raisa call me but I left. Tears rolled down my cheek and off my face. I shouldn't be this concerned about some guy I don't even know but I don't know. I liked him a lot. And when someone you like this much hates you, it hurts. I took a cab home.

Hussain's P.O.V

I walked through the crowds and went into the washroom to dry my shirt. While I was drying it with a paper towel, someone turned me around by my shoulder. It was Shehry.
"Hussain that was unacceptable! How could you be so mean?" Shehry glared. I turned back around.
"What mean? I just told her to look where she was going." I shrugged. Shehry walked over to next to me.
"She was a fan! And from what I could tell, she didn't like me. But when I said your name, she looked so excited even though she wad trying to hide it." Shehry explained. I looked down. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling a bit guilty. However, Shehry loved fans more than all of us so I don't know if he was exaggerating.
"Look I'm sorry-"
"Tell her."
"You want me search the whole of New York for her?" I said sarcastically, expecting him to laugh.
"She goes to our school. In Raisa's class. You will apologise to her." Shehry glared and left. I sighed. I bet Shehry's going to fall in love with a fan.

Hello guys! Second Dhoombros fanfic! Hope you liked it and do check out my other fanfic - Life's Full of Your Love :)

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