Chapter Two

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Fida's P.O.V

That night, I arrived home and went straight to bed. I couldn't tell you how heartbroken I was. How many times do you meet a celebrity crush and end up being disappointed? I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes, it was morning. My eyes were all puffy from crying. I checked my phone and brought down the notification bar. On top was a tweet from Hussain. I quickly closed it. I didn't want to see his face ever again. Doesn't he realise that his fans love him? Arrogant. I decided to go to the gym to calm myself down. Upon entering, I saw my friend Sasha.
"Hey girl!" She hugged me. I smiled back.
"Hey, why are your eyes puffy? Have you been crying? Boyfriend? Who is it? Lemme beat him up!" Sasha started jumping. I put a hand on her arm.
"It's nothing. I was watching a sad movie." I lied. Sasha nodded and we went inside. After an hour, Sasha suddenly nudged me.
"Fida! Look!" She whispered, pointing to a guy who was lifting weights. I could only see his back though. He was muscular but not exactly bodybuilder type. I could see even though he was wearing a shirt. 
"Isn't he hot?" Sasha grinned. I shook my head.
"Pagal ladki." I muttered.
"Pagal what? What's that? You know I'm not Indian!" Sasha pouted. I facepalmed myself.
"Neither am I. I'm Pakistani." I laughed.
"Oh right! Sorry! I always get them confused! Now what did you call me?" Sasha narrowed her eyes. I giggled.
"Beautiful girl. And now, pagal ladki, I have to go. I'll see you later." I grabbed my jacket and left.

Hussain's P.O.V

The next morning, I decided to go to the gym, to help myself feel better. I was feeling so guilty after what Shehry told me. So I was lifting weights when I heard some girl call me hot. I decided not to turn around. But I heard another girl call the girl pagal ladki but she didn't understand. I mentally laughed. But then I heard the girl say she was Pakistani. I put the weights down and picked up my water bottle from the floor. I looked at the girl from the corner of my eyes. For some reason, I felt connected to her and wanted to talk to her but she started leaving. Should I stop her? Meh. She was gone by the time I looked back to her so I decided to go home since I was done.

The next day, I arrived at school with Shehry. It was the first day of term so we were here early. Shehry started getting his stuff from his locket while I leaned on the locker next to his.
"New term. Hope it's going to be good." I said. Shehry nodded, stuffing his books in his bag.
"Yeah. By the way, Hamzah told me that you're in his class.." Shehry was talking but I wasn't paying attention. I had just seen the girl I had bumped into at the party.
"Hey!" I waved at her but she hadn't seen me. I followed her, leaving Shehry. She kept walking.
"Hey you!" What was her name anyway?
"Hey you with the white top! Hey!" I started calling. She kept walking. She must have heard me. I was really loud. I felt like she was avoiding me. She turned into a empty hallway, luckily and I followed her.
"Hey! Suniye!" I called when she turned around.
"Aapko problem kya hai?" She said angrily. I stopped in my tracks.
"Problem?" I asked, confused.
"Haan! Why are you following me?" She glared. This time I got angry.
"You think I follow girls around? I'm not like that okay?" I glared back.
"Really? I highly doubt that!" She shouted.
"Shut up!" I said loudly. She jumped. I grabbed her wrist, causing her to bump into my chest.
"Just shut up!" I whispered. From this close, I could actually see her beauty. Her brown, straight hair looked perfectly styled. She was looking at me with these big brown eyes, making her look like an adorable puppy. Suddenly the bell rang. I let go of her hand. She took two steps back and quickly walked off to her homeroom. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. What was wrong with me? I walked to my own homeroom. There I found Hamzah, a friend of mine and sat next to him.
"Hey man! How was your holidays?" Hamzah asked.
"Yeah they were good. How about yours?"
"Same here. But seriously, the thing is we got the strictest homeroom teacher." Hamzah complained.
"You don't mean-"
A loud thud made him stop talking. Ms Lina had entered the room. Ms Lina was a good teacher but strict. Luckily I didn't have her for any of my classes except for homeroom.
"I am Ms Lina. That's L-I-N-A. All my classes have an seating arrangement and I expect this class to have one too. Feeda Abbaas!" Ms Lina suddenly shouted in her white accent. Must be someone Desi. Felt sorry for whoever it was.
"You'll be the first one to move your seat. Swap with Hamzah Qureshi." Oh shit! I looked at Hamzah who had a apologetic look on his face. He took his bag and moved to the other side of the classroom. I looked at the girl who was walking towards me. Oh teri! It was that girl! She must've seen me as well as she narrowed her eyes at me and sat down, keeping her focus on Ms Lina.
"You love Ms Lina a lot huh?" I whispered teasingly.
"Don't talk to me." She whispered back furiously.
"Because you're going to distract me."
"Do you always ask this many questions?"
"No..only to people I like." I grinned. She looked at me surprised.
"Is there a problem over there?" Ms Lina looked over at us. We both shook our heads. Ms Lina continued talking.
"You're the problem." I muttered.
"Can you shut up? You're going to get me in trouble."
"How so?" I smirked. I liked teasing her.
"You both have earned yourselves a detention, lovebirds! Come see me at lunch." Ms Lina ordered causing the whole class to giggle. The girl glared at me one last time.

Halfway through lunch, Ms Lina let us go and we went out into the hallway. I walked ahead of her before she started calling me.
"Hey question wala!" I turned around. She ran up to me.
"Here." She handed a paper to me which I recognised as my homework.
"You dropped it." I took it from her.
"Thanks. Can I ask you something?" I said, walking with her.
"You've asked me so many questions. One more won't make a difference." She said. I chuckled.
"You're a fan of DhoomBros. So you should know my name. But how come you called me question wala?" I asked curiously. She looked at me.
"Because you ask too many questions. Now can I go?" She said and walked away. I chuckled mentally before grabbing her wrist and bringing her back in front of me.
"Wait. Where are you going in such a hurry?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.
"Do you gave an obsession with holding girls' wrists?" She said tugging her hand out of my grip.
"Wait. What's your name?" I frowned. She sighed.
"Fida Abbas." She said. Fida. Pretty name.
"I'm Hussain Asif." I smiled, putting my hand out for her to shake, which she ignored. Fida started to walk away.
"Miss Abbas!" I called. Fida turned around.
"See you later!" I grinned.
"The next time I see you, I'm giving you a chittar." She glared. I laughed.

Hey hoped you liked this chapter! Bit short but going to start getting longer. Please share, vote, comment and check out my other DhoomBros fanfic - Life's Full of Your Love :) picture on this chapter is of Hussain.

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