This is for now but not forever though I feel pain though I cry though I scream though I hide though I sleep my life away though I feel like death and I have no life though I have bad dreams and hopefully dreams though I feel out of place with no family and invisible I know and I plead I know that nothing last forever this isn't forever is is temporary because one day I will cry for joy of happiness and peace with my family I create from marriage from pregnancy from live from Hope I will be alive I will feel slight pain but it won't feel like in vane my tears will be dried and I will hold no pride no more screams no more bad dreams no more unbalances and being un stabled now I exist and I am alive even then I live but I couldn't see the truth of proof in front of me what was yet to come because I was blinded but now I am happy in my prime and I love this moment this moment is the future me and I am still stuck in the body of the present me..... There will be a time where I have a place to call home and a bed of hopes and soft pillow of luxury .... Those people ain't bad their just lost I hope they find their home they don't mean no harm but have no choice cause their home is gone ..... Today now isn't forever but then it will last a life time