[13] Alone with Claude

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"I never thought that a princess would ever be alone in the middle of a forest."

13 year old Athalia looked over to the figure behind her, "Where am I?"

"In a forest what did I just say?" the boys around 13 - 14 said, "But anyhow shouldn't you have like what 100000 bodyguards with you? You are a daddy's girl, are you not?"

Athalia puffed her cheeks, "I should of known you'd teleport me here."

Stephan laughed, "You underestimate me Princess."

"Is this another one of those assassination plans?" Athalia whined, "Because I'm pretty sure that's not going to work."

Stephan clenched his fists, "Ok, Princess you got me but today's my day and I'm not messing this up!" Athalia rolled her eyes.

"That's what you said last week and you didn't even catch a glimpse of my dad."

"That was last week."

"Whatever, look I'm tired can you just take me home and kidnap me next week?" Athalia asked.

Stephan looked at her for at least for 1 minute before answering, "Next week is my week!"


"What..? Lea..?" Stephan looked down at the girl below him.

"Steph, I don't want to die.." Athalia cried, Stephan sat down pulling Athalia into his lap, "Your not going to die Lea, I-I wont let you.."

"I don't want to go..... I don't want die." 

Stephan shook his head, "I wont let you don't worry."

Athalia held his hand, "it hurts...I'm going to sleep for a while, ok?" Athalia knew it was her time, she couldn't force her eyes to stay open for any longer, she called out Stephan's name one last time before she drifted into darkness.

Stephan shook Athalia pleading for her to open her eyes once more as tears ran down his face, hoping that by some miracle Athalia would live.

Lovey Princess side story: Chapter 20 -'Not every Princess Lives to see a happy ending.'


'I actually fell asleep..' Athalia rubbed her eyes before sitting up, 'What a weird dream..'

"Your awake?"

Athalia flinched, "Daddy?" Athalia looked up to see Claude's face, she then looked down to realize she was sat on Claude's lap, 'What the hell?-'

"You fell asleep." Claude hesitantly placed Athalia beside him, "Your sister didn't want to wake you up."

'Why do I feel like that's a lie?' Athalia felt around for her plushie, "Daddy?"

"What." Claude said bluntly.

"Where's Mr Bonbon?" Athalia couldn't see him anywhere in the room, "Did Athy take him?"

Claude nodded, "It should be getting cleaned by the maids now."

Athalia got of the sofa and started to walk near the door, "Where are you going?" Claude asked, Athalia stopped in her tracks.

"To see Mr Bonbon, He does not like the maids and he hates being away from me.." Athalia said looking down at the floor pretending to be sad, "Do you want to come with me daddy?"

'what am i doing..' Athalia thought, 'Oh well i doubt he will come.'

"If i must." While Athalia processed what Claude just said, Claude raised from where he sat and walked over to Athalia, "Are you just going to stand there?"

Athalia broke from her trance, "Uh Lets go daddy!" Athalia took Claude's hand like she always does with Felix and led him out the doors.


"Daddy Look!" 

Athalia ran ahead of her father, they were both slowly walking back to the ruby palace but Athalia kept on stopping to admire newly blossomed flowers.

"These look really pretty." Athalia knelt down and picked one of the flowers, "I'm showing this to Athy and Felix when I see them!" Claude stared at the little girl with a blank expression.

Athalia looked behind her at her dad, "Daddy do you think they look pretty?"

Claude bent down and looked at the flowers in Athalia's hands, "They look like flowers."

"There called Hyacinth, I read about them." Athalia said, Claude nodded before standing straight again, he grabbed Athalia's hand gently pulling her up, "I can tell the maids to plant more for you."

"No its ok daddy.."

The duo started walked down the path again but this time Athalia saw something move in a near by bush, "Bonny?" she whispered, Claude looked at her confused but didn't bother to notice Athalia's hand slipping out of his.

Not thinking about her dad Athalia ran over to the bush, once she was there something bounced into her arms, "I knew it. Its a bunny. A blue one? It looks like Mr Bonbon." The Blue bunny looked at Athalia snuggling into her arms, "I'm so keeping you." Athalia giggled.

"Keeping what?"

Athalia flinched at the sudden sound, "Daddy, Tilly found a bunny!" Athalia shakily held up the bunny for her father to see, "Tillys going to name her Mrs Bonny! Like Mr bonbon because they look the same!" Athalia faked a smile.

Claude glared at the bunny, Athalia knows Claude hates Mr Bonbon probably because of how dirty it is, Claude was about to say something but was interrupted.

"Tilly! Daddy!" Athanasia called running towards them, "Tilly I wanna show you something!" 

Athalia nodded, she looked over to Claude, "I'm going to go now daddy!" Athalia and Athanasia started to walked again but they both waved their dad goodbye before they were out his sight.

"Did you turn Mr bonbon into an actual bunny?" Athanasia asked.

Athalia shook her head, "No I found her in a bush."

"Lucky I want a pet.."

"We can both be Mrs Bonnys owners!"


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