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*Lorenna's pov*

We finally made it! We graduated! To celebrate me and my friends came to Miami for the summer. We just got to our summer house and started unpacking. It was a nice one: 5 bedroom 4 bath and it was 2 stories high. We have been saving up since freshman year. I am Lorenna. The oldest probably most mature one. Then there's Natalia. The smart crazy one. Also my little sister. Then We get to Melanny. The band obsessed fangirl. Last but not least Breanna. The craziest out of control one. She is just something else. And that's us...the 4 crazy don't really give a care people who actually graduated high school...

''BREANNA BRING ME MY PHONE''I yelled from upstairs. Mine and Natalia's room were upstairs and Breanna's and Melanny's were downstairs. She comes in and hands it to me. "Thanks are y'all done cause We have to go to the store to get what We need for the house and out to eat."I say. "We've been done you were the only one still doing your room."she tells me. "Ha Oh ok then let's go."I tell her. We go downstairs to see everyone on the table on there phones. "LET'S GO"I yell scaring them. "Where are We going?" Melanny asked. "To Chipotle and to her things We need."I say. "Ok"she says getting up. I noticed she was wearing a new sweater. It had the letters C.D on it and said 'Cameron Dallas' all around. "Who's that?"I asked her. She looked at me confused "your sweater."I say. They all looked at me in shock. "CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS MY HUSBAND!" Breanna yelled. Then they all started talking about him and shoved pictures in my face. "OK CHILL I GET IT" I yell then get in my car. They all get in too and We leave. First We stopped at Chipotle. We ate then went to Walmart. We got 3 baskets and started piling them with a bunch of stuff. About an hour later We had everything We needed. We checked out then went home. We put everything away then decided to change into our pajamas. I put on some blue fluffy ones then went to the living room. We decided to watch Mean Girls and see who could say the most lines. We were in the middle of the movie when We heard a knock at the door. "I'll get it."I say getting up and going to the door. I open it to see a familiar looking boy about my age standing there. "Hi''I say. "Hi....I'm Cameron "he said. "I'm your neighbor.''I swear I know him from somewhere. "Hi I'm Lorenna and We actually are only staying here for the summer.''I say. "We?'' He asked confused. "Yeah me, my two friends,and my sister. By the way what's your last name?"I say. "Oh and IT'S Dallas... Cameron Dallas."he said smiling. I know I knew him. I pushed him outside then got my jacket. "I'll be back in a minute I am going for a walk!"I say to the girls. "K''they all say. Then I went outside. "Sorry I just couldn't let them see you...they would attack."I say making both of us laugh. "How come you aren't?"he asked. "I literally just learned about"I say. ''Makes sense.''he tells me. "Come on I am gonna take you on a tour of the neighborhood. Then maybe of my house too."he said. "Cool."I say. He showed me that there was a beautiful park and a candy shop near by. Then We went to his house. I found out he has a roommate named Nash and Nash's brother Hayes was staying there for the summer. Now I was standing in front of mu house with Cameron. "I guess maybe We could hang out tomorrow".he tells me. "Ok I'll make sure the girls stay calm."I say laughing. "OK see ya tomorrow."he said. I walk insode to see all the girls freaking out looking through the window. "Whoa hey guys."I said putting my jacket away. "OH MY GOD JESUS LIVES NEXT DOOR!" Melanny yelled. "Whoa calm down y'all can't act like this tomorrow" I say smirking. They all start questioning me. "We are hanging out with Cameron, his roommate Nash, and Nash's brother Hayes" I say. "THE GRIERS TOO" Natalia screams practically crying. "In all of your years you have never told me about these people."I say. "Never got to it."she tells me. Then they start screaming and jumping. ''DID YOU GET THERE NUMBERS!?" Breanna asked excitedly. "Ya all 3 why?"I ask. Then they all start fangirling again. "Well I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight." I say but they were still freaking out. I just went to my room, laid down, and slowly drifted off to sleep.


HEY It's Lorenna! And Natalia We own an acc together this is our book together enjoy ~ Lorenna

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