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Tommy POV:
i screamed and screamed, and screamed. At Sam, at Dream, and to Ghostbur. All fell to ignorant and dead ears. I tried to run to the platform, not to save Ghostbur because he had already died and disappeared, but to avenge him by doing what i came here to do. Kill Dream.

Unfortunately Sam held my hands behind my back with one hand and walked backwards. Pulling down the lever to let the lava flow down again. "What have you done Tommy, what have you done?" Sam said letting go of my hands, "What? you could've sent me over, you could've." i said in about a whisper my voice hoarse from screaming. We argued for a while and it stopped with Sam saying "You're never coming back here." he practically dragged me out of the prison muttering things angrily.

I went through the portal on my own and i assume Sam went to his office. I'd stopped crying and just hoped no one could tell. I'm not weak and i don't want anyone to think that. But when i saw Friend, that stupid little blue sheep bahing at me. They probably wondered where their ghost friend was.

"I don't know either." i said hugging and crying into that stupid little blue sheep.

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