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The next morning I woke up, it felt a little more real this time

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The next morning I woke up, it felt a little more real this time. "Hey angel." She spoke as she opened her arms. I snuggled into her, feeling her tighten her grip around me. "You have breakfast with Tom right?" She questioned, realising it was Thursday. "We have a breakfast date with Tom." I corrected with a giggle.

"That's a Tom and you thing angel." I shook my head quickly, "he wants you there, shut up." She nodded gratefully and we jumped out of bed.

We both took a shower, I got dressed in there for convenience sake today since we were in a small rush, Billie did the same in my en-suite.

We arrived at the cafe a couple minutes after Tom who stood as he saw us, his arms wide open. "Hey cherubs!" He belly laughed, taking Billie in for a bear hug first, me straight after.

We all sat down, me and Billie next to each other and Tom opposite. "How are my favourite young couple doing today?" I looked toward Billie knowing she was about to respond for the pair of us, "So good! How are you?" Tom shuffled a little, still trying to get comfortable. He struggles sometimes because of his knees. "I'm doing great thank you love!"

We all ordered some food and drinks, chatted some small talk and laughed a lot. "The family are doing another dinner next week, I'd love you both to be there." A huge grin appeared on billies face, I think she was shocked to be asked. "Of course we will Mr.Webb." I butted in since Billie was currently awing.

Eventually we all finished eating and decided we were going to walk down to Toms with him.

"And that is the road we used to carry on walking down to get to the old house!" Tom pointed onwards as we took a sharp left.

"By old house he means his palace." I joked and Tom raised his brows at me. "What? Anything past five bedrooms is a palace Mr.Webb." Tom exhaled, letting out a small laugh, "fine, the very big old house."

"I remember when you were moving into your bungalow, that was the day that we first spoke." Billie added causing her and tom to send each other an almost mischievous smile.

"Yes! The day I told you I was buying you plane tickets to England." Immediately my eyes shot up, "you both planned this that long ago?" They burst into a fit of laughter. "You guys actually planned this that long ago? How did you know we'd still be together?" I turned toward tom who was wiping away the tears that he'd laughed out. "I just knew." He paused, "you spoke about Billie the way I speak about Sal, it was so obvious to see, you'd met your one great love." I pulled him in for a side hug.

The rest of the walk was spent the pair of them bonding, and me admiring the two getting along. Since Addi I promised myself I'd never let another human being come between mine and Toms relationship. It was so rare, he looks out for me like no one ever has and loves me like no one ever could. Addison hated it, I have no idea why. I guess she didn't want anyone to have my love apart from her, control at it's finest. She met him once over lunch, she was so rude to him and then iced him out from that point on. No mentioning of him, no meeting him, no texting him all because 'it's weird to talk to an old man.' Fucking idiot.

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