In with the new

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After what felt like an eternity the volume started to build up in the room again, the faces in front of me returned to normal

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After what felt like an eternity the volume started to build up in the room again, the faces in front of me returned to normal. Apart from Ria's of course, it usually took a few days for her to wipe the look of disgust off her face after she sees Addison.

I internally prayed that Billie didn't notice the vibe, but at quick glance it was obvious that she knew something was up.

Billie stood tall from her seat, "I'm just going to the bathroom." She definitely caught the vibe. I know she probably wanted a minute to herself, but I couldn't let her walk around alone. The house is packed with drunk idiots.

"Reese, I'm ok." She ran her fingers through her hair as she completely passed the toilet and walked straight through the house, eventually reaching the back door, but she didn't stop there.

I followed her to the end of the garden, passing the social smokers on our way. "Listen, I'm not a fucking idiot I know that was Addison. I'm not mad at you I'm mad because I know the shit she did to you, and..." I cut her off, grabbing both of her hands in mine forcing her to look at me. "I'm sorry. We can go."

Billie quickly shook her head, "no we can't. She ruins every fucking party for you, she isn't ruining this one. I'm sorry for walking out here, I just needed fresh air. I'm good now." Her hands left my own, slowly making their way to my cheeks. "You're cold, come on."

We walked back inside, Billie leading the way through crowds of people. Her hand keeping a tight grip of my own.

Once we rejoined the group Ria was the first to take us both aside and ask whether we're ok. "I'm good Ria, I just wish she wasn't here." I rolled my eyes. Ria turned her attention to Billie who hadn't said a word yet, and didn't look like she was about to.

"Ryan, can you stay with Reese whilst I go have a talk with Billie?" Ria looked toward me, we didn't need words to communicate. I knew she was asking if that's ok. I gave her a nod of approval, mouthed a quick 'thank you' and the two of them disappeared, whilst Ryan and I went over to grab a drink.

"I really hate your ex." Ryan laughed, handing me a cup of water. "Yeah, me too." Ryan's hand landed on my shoulder as I looked toward the floor, "I like Billie. She cares about you, so much. Like mate how many parties have we been to together?" I met my eyes to Ryan's, "fuck knows, too many." I laughed, "too many, and every single one I've kept a close eye on you. You're like a brother to me, but... a sister." He corrected, he was getting confused but I know he was attempting to say you're one of the boys, but one that we protect.

"I always watch you, just to make sure you're ok because you're a good looking girl Reese, and people can be dickheads..." he carried on, and I listened carefully. "Even though you're here with Billie, I've been watching because I took your fake smile for a real one when you were with Addi. I can see the difference now that I see the way Billie makes you smile." I kept quiet, knowing that he wasn't done ranting.

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