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Harry's POV

I sighed, unlocking my door.

I stepped through, noticing something that had been slid under the door.

I frowned, picking it up and walking to the kitchen bench, setting down my bag and looking at the envelope.

I ripped it open unfolded the paper inside.

Louis William Tomlinson and Eleanor Jane Calder would like to invite you to their wedding.

Was printed in the the middle of the page, details below and my name printed on the top.

I felt tears spring to my eyes.

I saw this coming but I was never truly prepared to see it.

I still had nightmares about our fight, I always thought that we would come crawling back to each other, in a way I was half right, I came crawling back to him, but he turned me away.


"Lou, please, opened the door!" I called.

"No! I don't want to talk to you Harry! I never want to see you again!"

"Lou please!" I cried, "Please, I don't want us to end!"

"Should've thought about that before you slept with that whore!"

"I was drunk, I'm so sorry Lou, please, give me one more chance!"

"No, I don't want to see your cheating ass ever again!"

I just broke down there, sobbing and pleading with him.

I don't know how long I sat there, but all I know is that Niall and Zayn came to get me and brought me back to my flat.

I didn't eat for days, just had some water every now and then, I became and shell, I wasn't Harry any more.

Then I started seeing Louis with another girl.

I always sat at my window, waiting for him to come back but I saw him walking past one day with someone hanging off him arm, then. He kissed her and I lost it.


I've never really been the same, I've never moved on, but eventually I just learned to get up, go to work and come home.

At home I usually spent my time on the bathroom floor, crying and blood flowing from my wrist.

It's the only way I found to deal with the pain.

This was the last straw.

I've had enough of this life, this is where I can't deal anymore.

The straw that broke the camels back.


I called Niall.


"Where does Louis live now?"

"Erm, he hasn't moved Harry, but what are yo-"

I hung up on his and wrote a letter.

Running to Louis' flat I slid it under the door and ran back home.

Then I cut, I cut deeper then ever before and felt my life slipping away.

"I love you Louis." We're the last words I heard myself utter before the darkness pulled me in.

Louis' POV

I heard footsteps by the front door.

"Ellie, did you hear that?" I asked my fiancé.

"No? What was it Loubear?"

"I just wanna check something, be right back." I told her.

I found a piece of paper sticking out from under the door.

It was folded in half and labeled 'Louis'.

I picked it up and flicked it open.

'Dear Louis.

I just wanted to say that I love you, I love you so god damn much it hurts, these past 3 years have been touture for me and I'm so so sorry, but I can't go to your wedding.

I probably won't be around anymore anyway.

I just want to say I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for that night 3 years ago and I relive it every night.

I think everyday of all the things I could've done differently.

And every day I my heart breaks even more than it already is and now there's nothing left to break.

Live a long happy life with Eleanor and I give you my best wishes for everything.

Love you forever,


What have I done?

Oh god, Harry, what are you doing.


I dropped the letter and sprinted to Harry's flat.

Panting hard I pushed the door, finding it unlocked.

"Harry!" I called desperately.

Running into the bathroom I dropped to my knees at the sight of my Hazza lying there, pale and lifeless.

I crawled to his side and took his head gently in my hands and set it in my lap, brushing my fingers through his curls.

It hit me then that I don't love Eleanor, I never did, she was just my way of trying to get back at him, and now I'd realised it was too late the truth was,

I loved Harry.

I would always love this boy.

I let the tears stream form my eyes and I buried my head into Harry's hair, sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Harry, I never meant this to happen, i'm so so so sorry, love you too, so so so much, more then you could imagine my love." I whispered to him and saw the razor in his hand, grip relaxed on it.

I took it from him and closed his lifeless green eyes

"I wasn't kidding when I said I couldn't live without you." I said and reached for the razor

I moved so that I was lying next to him and wrapped his arms around me and lightly pressed my lips against his before slitting my wrists and dropping the razor

I wrapped my arms around his waist and closed my eyes whispering one last sentence.

"I love you Harry."


Third person POV

Louis Tomlinson and. Harry styles were found the next morning by a distraut Eleanor who had spend the night looking for Louis and coming to ask Harry if he had seen him, she found them on the floor, blood everywhere and arms wrapped around each other.

They were buried together and the head stone read;

Here lies Louis William Tomlinson and Harold Edward Styles.

It took a long time to find it but once it was found

Their Love Really Was One To Die For.

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