°Chapter 11

7 1 0

Black 6099.

Red: 100%

Green: 100%

Blue: 100%

Report of 27 December 1939:

You will be surprised.

Time was pressing, so the plan had to come quickly as well as cleverly. If the real monster saw through the ambush and went for help, it would be unnecessarily more difficult. But the two of them, both successful bounty hunters, would certainly manage it. The other problem, however, was the fact that they would have to flee afterwards. There was hardly any question of staying here. Either way, they would be tried to kill them. Such escapes did not tolerate easy money. They needed money and were out for revenge. If you are in your right mind, you just put one and one together: 

General O'Brien was a big shot in the army and certainly not meagrely paid.

Currently they were sitting together on the sofa: Mirco on Dean's lap, talking on the phone:

"So could we get the donation out of the safe? Yes? Well, sir, that's an excellent advantage to have over the other competitors. I will let you know immediately as soon as I get the result. Have a nice day."

"You really claimed to be looking for a major sponsor for a special army unit? The scam really worked, I'm a bit impressed I must admit," the green-haired man articulated, spreading a few soft kisses on the little one's neck a moment later.

"Pure talent, not like you", he laughed.

"Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge."

"Can I pick?" 

As there was no reply, Dean continued:

"Have you been to the archives of the city newspaper?"

"This morning before I bought the rolls. I had the librarian search everything for General O'Brien and actually got hold of some useful information about the guards, but that had involved a lot of work," he told him euphorically.

Excited, Mirco stood up, "Show me!"

Dean took a piece of paper out of his pocket and tossed it to him. For a long time the standing man looked at what he had written. Dean had spent the whole morning working out every guard of O'Brien and his private life. 

9.30pm, then when they hit, a certain Andrew Greenfield always had his shift. There was also a newspaper report that his father Arthur had been taken to an asylum for the insane. Good research paid well. Soon they would turn that knowledge into gold.

It was 8pm, in exactly one hour and 30 minutes the robbery would take place. Mirco began to fill a black bag with weapons and other strange things. Shortly after, they left the flat and locked up: They would never return. Everything went strictly according to plan. They met Mary in a secluded alley and handed her some money, a pocket watch and several biscuits. Without exchanging another word, they ran off in different directions. Mary to the clinic and the bounty hunters to the dragon's lair. At a swanky building: painted white, two storeys, seemingly historic, they stopped. It was easy to take out the soldiers in the front yard with a South American blowpipe and the appropriate arrow poison. They hid the sleeping people in the high bushes of the huge garden and stole the clothes. While moving in the shade of the bushes, Dean winked at Mirco a few times, causing him to blush completely. He knew better than to be infatuated in the middle of a mission, but it still remained its own challenge. 

Hand in hand, they sat on the stolen post and stared relentlessly at the pocket watch. It was synchronised with Mary's watch. In front of them was a small desk with a black field phone. At the same time, Mary was inside the asylum, mimicking a cleaning lady on work experience. She deftly left a trail of biscuits near the patient rooms and kept watching the time out of the corner of her eye. Then she began to read through each room's name tag. 

Arriving at "Arthur", she opened the door without having knocked first.

"Good evening, Mr Greenfield. Tonight is the biscuit search evening, don't you want to attend?"

Athur sat absently on a beige armchair and played with a shoe. When he didn't respond, she took a few steps closer and started to shake him awake.

"I'm sorry, sister, I was just visiting my fairy again"

Visibly a little more confused, the mistaken cleaning lady repeated what she had said and shortly afterwards Mr Greenfield stood up hesitantly and pulled on two different coloured socks.

"I need to find biscuits, did you say? That'll be easy with Henry" 

Who Henry was, she didn't know, but she didn't want to make naughty enquiries either.

At least what had to happen happened: Arthur left his room to look for biscuits, meanwhile Mary alerted the reception that a certain Greenfield had left his room and was nowhere to be found. Panic broke out and bells started ringing everywhere. The secretaries told the only remaining relative to get there as soon as possible.

Dean and Mirco were already holding the phone when a call rattled through.

"As soon as you can: I want a new soldier to cover my shift. I'm afraid I'll have to excuse myself."

And there they had what they wanted.

Mirco strolled relaxedly along the entrance, up to the second floor. The frog could orientate himself well, as they had made an inadequate attempt to conceal who they were when he was kidnapped. He had been taken to the basement then and the only logical conclusion was that the room with the safe was upstairs.

"The relief is here!" he shouted at one point and a few seconds after that he heard a further from his left, "God bless you!"

Mirco ran further along the corridor from where he had perceived the voice and then found the study.

Andrew shook hands several times and then ran towards the asylum.

The pocket watch showed three minutes until the robbery. Dean also came upstairs a few seconds later and looked around the room.

The door was locked from the inside and the two did not yet know the general's whereabouts. It could have been that he was in the room or somewhere else in the house. He couldn't be further away, as the car was still parked in front of the property. Well, they did what would be the only logical thing in such a situation.

They lured him to them.

Like bullies, they started to break down the door.

When they spotted the safe, they unabashedly fixed a bomb on it.

Dean started laughing euphorically, which lasted a whole minute (if not longer).

"You're a psychopath"

"I prefer creative"

Like a little child he started the explosion.


Banknotes flew like feathers in a pillow fight and beaming, they tried to pack everything into their black bag.

"I told you not to get infected! What are you capable of anyway?"

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