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**Artemis's POV**

I was sitting on the bleachers next to my cousin, Allison and Lydia. We were at the lacrosse game. I felt awkward here, I shouldn't even be here. I have a bad feeling about this. All of this. They don't know who they are messing with. Clark is a very strong and powerful man, he won't hesitate to kill you if you get in his way. And with the other me at his side, it will just be even more difficult to stop them. Sure Scott's the alpha and he's pretty powerful, but going against a sorcerer who has practiced magic throughout his whole life, I just don't know how it will end. And Allison is a hunter, and I know she has been practicing, but still with her experience and what happened a year ago, I can't lose her. Chris will be devastated to see his daughter die again. I can't let that happen and I won't.

I know I may seem scared and quiet throughout this whole situation, but that's my personality. I get very insecure when people just stare at me, I feel as if they are just judging me inside their heads. So I'd rather stay quiet and avoid a conversation with people. The only people I have talked to would be Scott, Allison, Lydia, Derek, and sometimes Stiles.

Stiles and I have had awkward conversations here and there, and have had a few moments. But, I don't know what to feel about him. Yeah him and I, we were best friends and have done mostly everything together, but I never really thought that he was the type to cheat. I know it was just a kiss, but later I found out that Stiles started going out with Malia. I felt sad and replaced. I felt as if he just gave up on me and looked for someone new. I also found out that Stiles and Malia, are supposedly "mates", but I don't believe that. I know that there was something between Stiles and I, that no one could explain.

I spotted Stiles in the field, number 24. He was in defense, right now. I smiled at the fact that he was actually playing in a game.  I'm happy to see him happy. If he is happy with Malia, then so be it. Even though I don't find her very civil and nice, Stiles likes her. Besides, he isn't mine anymore.

I was continuing to look at the game, currently the other school was winning. I was the distracted by someone sitting down next to Allison. I looked to my left and glanced up and saw Chris Argent, my uncle. I quickly looked back down, hoping he wouldn't recognize me. I haven't necessarily talked to him, much what so ever even seen him, but I think he knows I'm here for sure. He is a hunter and knows everything that goes on.

"Hey sweetie" I heard him saying to Allison.

"Hi dad" Allison replied. I saw from the corner of my eyes that she took a quick glance at me and then back at her dad.

"Are you not going to give your favorite uncle a hug, Arty?" I heard Chris say. I quickly looked up and found him looking at me with kind and hopeful eyes. I smiled when I heard him say the nickname he gave me when I was small. I got up and hugged him. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and lifted me up a bit and put me down.

"God Arty, I missed you" he said looking at me with a smile and kissing my head. "But we are going to have a serious talk at home" he said sternly, while giving me that look parents give their children when in trouble. I nodded and sat back down.

"Well he took that surprisingly calm" Lydia said looking up from her phone.

"He's calm right now because he doesn't want to receive attention, but just wait till we are home" Allison whispered.


The game was almost ending, and it was stir between us and them. Right now Scott had the ball. He moved and dodged the other players, but then a big guy came at him. So Scott spotted Stiles and threw him the ball. Stiles looked confused for a moment.

"Run Stiles!" I yelled at him, hoping he heard me over the other screaming people. Surprisingly he did, he looked at me and gave me a smile and winked before running around. I hid the blush that was rising to my cheeks. After everything I still and will love that overactive, sarcastic boy.

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