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Yellow thought his curiousness would be the death of him. He was hungry for information. Any little thing that would help him get one step closer to figuring out her mysterious identity would quench his thirst.

He wondered why she always wore black, why everything was so dark around her, why she always walked away after seeing him.

Oh, what he wouldn't give just to talk to her.


A few weeks later, another dark cloudy day arrived and begged for the two poles of the magnet to come together. Enthusiasm coursed through Yellow's whole body as he strode out for a walk again, hoping to cross paths with his mysterious girl.

He walked around for an hour at the place where they saw each other. His legs started to hurt from exhaustion, but he wouldn't give up. He had to see her. Even if it was just a glimpse. However, he walked and walked and walked, but Blue never came.

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