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There are only 3 hours left till it's time for summer break. I was in Professor William's class and he's been teaching about the ethics of nursing. I'm one of the top students in this class which is why I've taken this subject for 3 years now and the following year after this is my last year till I graduate college and become a nurse. Yes, being a nurse was one of the childhood careers that I've wanted to pursue for a while. When I entered college 3 years ago, I was unsure if I really wanted to take it, after all, it was a dream career. I thought about it and decided to go with the flow of things and that is exactly why I'm here.

Finally, 3 hours is over and I'm free, the next day my plan is to go to Korea and meet my childhood best friend. We got separated when my parents started to work abroad so we haven't seen each other personally in 10 years now. We always called and texted each other to let each other know what's been going on in our lives, we know everything and when I tell you everything...I mean everything. From crushes to problems we have in our family or school, work, you name it. I was glad that even though we live far apart from each other, I knew that someone from the other side of the world was there to support me and care for me. Listening to my problems, the tears that have dropped from my eyes when I knew it was getting hard for me. She was always there, that's why I never doubted her.

The next day finally came and I was excited to go see my best friend. Her name is Hyeri and she is a big fan of Seventeen. I knew Seventeen because of her and started to stan the group but Hyeri was literally such a big fan I could not compete with her. Every time we called each other, she would talk about them and tell me random facts too and sing songs, you know...all that. I myself prioritized my education first so I wasn't really up to date with things related to the group. I haven't even chosen my bias yet, but I knew all the names so that was a start.

Finally landed in Korea and I was greeted by the dark sky and the glowing stars. I arrived at 10 pm and Hyeri was waiting outside for me. I decided to just stay with her in her apartment so I wouldn't have to pay for a hotel, which saves me some money.

"SOOJIN, GURL I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" she greeted me with a big smile on her face and hugged me tightly.

"Hey Hyeri, I missed you too"

"I have to tell you so many things now that your here and the time zones are the same now." She said with excitement in her voice.

We finally arrived at her apartment and god damn, it was big. She lived by herself and kept the place nice and organized. Knowing Hyeri, she was a very messy person, I would always have to clean up the mess she made when we played in the playroom since I was the organized person. From there, I knew she was mature and knew how to keep things in shape. Hyeri surprised me with Seventeen's concert, fan meet and backstage tickets, she herself was excited and I was too but to be honest, I really can't beat her when it comes to Seventeen. I swear all she talks about is the group.

"Ok, So basically, the concert is happening tomorrow, the backstage pass also happens tomorrow and the fan meet is in 2 days. We better get ready. I'M SO EXCITED." She was so happy, she was jumping in joy.

Time passed by so quickly, it was already the day of the concert and I was too tired to process the way there and how we went into the concert hall. Everyone started screaming and yelling Seventeen's name but since I was tired because of the jet lag, I couldn't do anything. All I wanted to do was sleep.

"Hey Soojin, I know you're tired, I should've thought about it more carefully. I was just excited to see Seventeen with you, I'm sorry" Hyeri said with a guilty tone. She was excited and I just ruined it for her. I felt bad so I tried to wake myself up and scream with the crowd. I was fully awake when they started to perform one of my favourite songs. Hit was my absolute favourite and I'm glad I was awake to hear them perform this song live.

We had front row tickets to the concert and saw the members up close. I was screaming and chanting their fan chants until Jeonghan looks at me. We made eye contact for a few seconds till I looked away and continued singing. When the concert was done, Hyeri and I went backstage to personally meet Seventeen. Hyeri's friend is one of the staff members of the group and gave both of us backstage passes, which is really hard to get.

When we got there, Seventeen greeted us and Hyeri could not control her excitement and started jumping. They welcomed us and showed us around backstage including their waiting room. To be honest, I never thought I would see Seventeen this close and talk to them but it happened all thanks to Hyeri.

After the tour, all the members, Hyeri and I were talking and just hanging out until it was time for us to leave. Before we left, each of the members asked for our numbers and we gave it to them willingly. Hyeri was so happy that Seventeen has our numbers and we had theirs. I knew she would talk about this all night which I hoped she didn't because I'm so tired. Before we left, I noticed someone was staring at me and when I looked back it was Jeonghan again. We made eye contact but this time we were closer and looked into each other's eyes longer. His beautiful brown eyes and his perfect complexion made me fall for him.

"Thank you for visiting us after the concert. You guys must be tired as we are. Go rest we'll text you later." S.coups said with a gentle and sweet voice.

As soon as we got out of the concert hall, we were shocked, we never thought this day would ever come but look at us now. I looked to Hyeri and saw that she was speechless till she started talking. "Soojin, we just became friends with a famous kpop group." She said with disbelief. I could tell from her eyes and the tone of her voice that she was still processing what happened but after a few minutes she started jumping and squealing which made me want to just leave her but obviously I wouldn't hahaha...I mean I probably should've...just kidding. I couldn't believe that we became friends with Seventeen. Today was the best day of my life.

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