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Soojin's POV

It was the next day, the day of the fan meet. We were there at 2 pm which is early because the meet doesn't start till 3:30 pm. I was tired because of my jet lag so I took a nap till Hyeri woke me up to enter the building.

We were in the third row this time, not the first, and we got a good view of all the members. They were all wearing black suits which were really hot I could see Hyeri become a red tomato. We were listening to their introduction until I felt a pair of eyes looking at me again. I looked back but no one was looking at me till I realized the eyes that were looking at me were at the front. Jeonghan was staring at me again. I looked at him and I saw him smile, his smile made my day much better. The tiredness I felt just a few minutes ago was gone and all I felt was comfort and warmth.

After a few minutes, we were called up to get our photo books signed, I was one of the first ones to get up on stage and get my book signed.

"Hey SOOJIN!!!!, You know I expected you to come here today"Seokmin said with glistening eyes.

"Hey Seokmin, good to see you too"I said. After he signed my book, he whispered something that only he and I would hear but audible enough with all the sounds that were around us.

"You know SOOJIN, yesterday Jeonghan hyung..."

"Ehem" he was cut off by Jeonghan who was waiting for me to move to him.

"I think it's my turn now." He had a serious tone

"Sounds like someone's jealous," Seokmin said and Jeonghan nudged him on the elbow.

"Owww, you know what, you do you hyung," Seokmin said with a defeated tone but then when Jeonghan looked back at the book, Seokmin gave me a smile and mouthed something, I couldn't quit see it properly but I think I knew what he was talking about.

"Hey Soojin, it's been a while," He said with a shy tone.

"We just saw each other yesterday," I laughed at his shyness, I found him so cute. 

"Did you get enough rest yesterday?"

"I did actually, I should be the one asking you that since you guys must be tired of practicing all day for the concert"

"We're kinda used to it now, I'm glad you got a lot of sleep, your friend told us that you just came back to Korea 2 days ago" He had a somewhat concerned tone which made my heart flutter inside.

"Why is my heart racing so much," I said in my head, when I got back to my senses he was staring at me with so much passion in his eyes, my heart was melting and I feel like I could collapse any minute now. 

"Soojin, are you okay?" 

"Yea, yea I'm fine, good to see you though Jeonghan." I smiled and so did he, before I had to move on to the next member he held my hand, his hands were warm which made me feel really comfortable with him. It's sad that I have to move over when his manager gave me a sign to move but with that experience I realized that I was falling in love with Jeonghan.


Hey it's been a while, sorry I wasn't updating kinda busy with school and stuff, I'll try to update more often in the future. I hope u guys enjoyed this chapter, it was kinda short but for the next chapter, I'll try to make it better thanks for reading it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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