01| esmeralda

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Also there will be some really dark humor in this book. I like dark humor. So if you don't like dark humor, please stop reading the book.

Enjoy the first chapter <3 :)


E s m e r a l d a U・ᴥ・U___________________

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E s m e r a l d a

I really really really want a cat or a dog. I love animals a lot. Animals are just so precious. Okay, wait I sound vegan. I'm not a vegan. I eat meat just fine. I've wanted to have a pet forever. They're just so cute.
Every Christmas I would ask my parents for a pet, I never got one.

My mom is a clean freak. She thinks cats and dogs are cute. But she won't have any of them in the house. My mom will go, "They have so much fur and they'll dirty the house. They will poop everywhere."

So I'm moving out. Muwahahahahhaha. Ha! Take that.

Telling this to my parents was hard. My dad looks like he's going to cry. My moms already crying. I don't even know why.

My papa, Lorenzo, is a businessman. He owns the Bianchi enterprises. And my mom, Maria, is a fashion designer. She owns the Esmeralda Fashion House. Yes, she named it after me. Yes, my parents love me a lot. Yes, we are very rich.

My brothers are also against the idea of me moving out. Like why? Dimitri and Malcolm both moved out when they turned 21. Im 21. So, I can move out right now. Malcolm and Dimitri are probably just being their protective selves.

Malcolm is my eldest brother. He's 25 and helps my dad with his business stuff. I don't know what he does exactly. Something with a lot of numbers.

Dimitri is the middle child. He's more into sleeping around. But he's a tattoo artist. He tells me he's straight, but I know for a fact he has a gay bone in him. He stares at Vulcan's (my best friend) ass a little too long.

"Mamma, please. I've got to move out. Dimitri and Malcolm moved out. It's not like I'm moving to an entirely different state. I'll be here in New York itself but a different apartment. Also I can maybe get a cat. Or a dog." I tell my mom side hugging her as we sat in our balcony. And my mom had her head laying on papa's shoulder.

"See! You're ready to leave your parents just so you can get a pet!." Mamma cries, wiping her snot on dad's shirt. Lol.

Hmm she's right. I'm ready to move out just so I can get pets. But they don't have to know this.

"That's not the only reason! Don't you think it's high time I learned to do things on my own. I'll come every weekend and stay over here. I promise." I sigh. Mamma and papa don't let me do anything. Being the only daughter I was pampered. I don't how to cook or clean, cause I've always had my parents do everything for me. I've probably washed dishes like 3 times. Not that I'm complaining. I like the princess lifestyle.

"...okay. But you have to come over every weekend Esme. Please." Mamma wiped her snot again on dads Ralph Lauren t-shirt.

"Why don't you find a apartment in this building?" Papa asks smiling at me. My man had tears in his eyes.

My family and I lived in a penthouse. It has 5 bedrooms, a kitchen, a spacious living room, store room, library, room filled with my papa's wine bottle collection, a gym and room filled with instruments. My brothers and I play a lot of instruments. Not trynna flex, but we are one talented family.

I roll my eyes at my dad. "I'm gonna go apartment hunting with Aria and Vulcan once I'm done dressing up. I'll be having lunch and probably dinner as well with them. Bye gays." I kiss papa and mummy and rush to my room.

Time to go apartment hunting.

Hey guys!!! That was just an introduction chapter. I just wanted to show how her relationship with her parents and how close she's with them. Next chapter will probably be a little about her friends and her brothers. And her apartment. Lol
I thought I'll quickly upload a small chapter for my fellows peeps. Next update after December 21st. I know that's a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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