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instagram sosasluva

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sosasluva y/n thought the cigarette could be used as a prop 🤷🏼‍♂️

7:39pm ♯ ‧₊˚ *.

TILTING YOUR HEAD YOU SQUINTED YOUR EYES , throwing the shirts you thought was ugly in one pile holding shirts you thought was okay up to the males chest. tilting your head huffing out you threw the shirt to the side , armin watching in confusion taking off his glasses and wiping them off before slipping them back on, he rubbed his nose a bit staring.

you exchanged numbers surprisingly with armin it was a stretch , but you found him in the library the next day. telling him to meet you at your car after school before you asked for his number , taking his phone and putting it in you left the get to class with cherri who looked back at armin turning to you with a questionable look on they face.

now currently sitting in your room armin agreed to letting you , do a ' make over ' for the day to just do it and it took you , promising you'll go see some crappy nerdy movie with him one day. smiling to yourself holding out an outfit for him you handed it over , him sizing it up and down hesitatingly grabbing the clothes you gave standing up to head over to the bathroom you had in the dorm room like place.

hearing the phone ring you picked it up seeing as it was jay , you swiped right answering leaning over to peak through the cracked door seeing if armin needed any help.

" hello?? you still comin? we hanging at jean's then going to the dinner soon. " she glared through the screen you nodded holding the phone while you went in the dressers to find something nice , nova wanted the group to all go to dinner celebrating her birthday everyone agreeing even having you invite armin since it was all apart of kissing him which you still haven't done. sighing you heard the door open

" is the hat really necessary? you did say it was gonna be a dinner- y/n? " blinking hardly your eyes widen seeing the male in-front of you

the outfit wasn't too much but man it made you wanna fall down on your knees , and bark for that boy in front of you. holding the phone up you showed jay the outfit and armin himself watching her eyes widen , covering her mouth

( before y'all niggas say anything I AINT NO FURRY OR INTO ANYTHING WEIRD )

armin wore a grey long sleeve shirt a black hoodie hanging on his shoulders , wearing black ripped jeans with chains on the side. he also had on a white ball cap , that made half his blonde hair stick out waving his hand in front of your face you squinted not realizing that he also wore rings on 3/5 of his fingers. you could've swore that you was having a waterfall leaking down your leg

" stop looking at me like that before you get a face full of an ocean .." muttering you saw him blush nodding quickly turning around sitting the clothes on the chair grabbing everything y'all needed the two of you made way , outside to the car getting in and driving over to jean's place.

z's note
short update i missed my
everyday update stream 🙄
gotta restart it now omg

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