Chapter 1: Prythian

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I was lost. The woods grew thick and every direction looked all the same to me. Running...I needed to keep running. Those men--the ones that burned my village and chased after me could still be behind me, waiting for me to finally pass out from the heat so they could swoop in and do horrible, despicable things to me.

I saw a little blue bird, tweeting in the air, seeming to follow me. It's melody would have been beautiful had I not had other things on my mind. A hawk swooped in and snatched the bird up with its talons, the gentle melody no longer playing as I paced up the woods.

Thick branches appeared and it became difficult to get around them. Where am I? I originally had planned to go to the other village that was a few miles away from my own. But, those men had chased me into these dangerous woods with their shouting and torches ablaze. Water. The thirst in the back of my throat became more and more prominent as I carried on. I started to feel dizzy, seeing stars. There had to be a stream nearby, right? There's always water where the trees are lower. There had to be.

"This way! The damned bitches footprints are heading in that direction!" I heard the men from before shout. No, no no no. I had to keep going. I started sprinting with hesitation, sweat falling down my cheeks as I stumbled on a branch, hitting my temple on a sharp rock. The green wood got dark, and the sounds vanished as I surrendered to sleep.

The Lions and the Lamb: A Tamlin x Rhysand x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now