Chapter 12: Meeting at the Summer Court

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By the time the staff came to the door and told us there was a message from the other high lords, it was clearly too late.
The rebel faery male had already threatened Rhys and Tamlin. It was as if I hadn't even heard all of the commotion. I just stood there in shock. Rhys removed the glamour from me, making me visible once more.
"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. What the hell?" Rhys cussed, the peace he had cherished when they won the war now disintegrated. Tamlin furiously shook his head and suddenly ran out of the room, a loud roar accompanying the shaking of the manor.
Rhys took the message from them and read it.
"A meeting is in immediate order. On the new moon sunday. Meet at the summer court. A band of surviving soldiers of Hybern have joined together to get payback. Keep your loved ones close. Lord Tarquín and Lord Beron." He shook his head, squeezing the bridge of his straight nose with his fingers.
"Tamlin! Enough pouting, we have important matters to discuss!" Rhysand shouted, soon sighting Tamlin having winnowed back upstairs to the study. His hair was disheveled, a thin film of sweat covering his forehead. He walked up to me steadily, turning my face in his hands as he surveyed the cut from the window breaking.
He healed it quickly, smoothing his thumb over the slightly scarred skin. He held me in place.
"Alanna, no one is going to touch you. Don't you worry for even a minute, do you understand me?" His eyes were pleasing. I nodded my head in response, no doubt having fear in my eyes.
"We have to go to the summer court on Sunday." Rhysand grimly said, coming to my side to embrace me. Tamlin simply glanced at him, a murderous look on his face at what had just happened. A wave of his hand and the window looked just as untouched as before the faery came crashing through it.
I had been made to accompany my mates to the summer court, as they had been quite strict about not letting me out of their sight since the ordeal took place.
We strode to the gates of the beautiful property. The summer court was beautiful, but it was not my home. It's beauty did not beckon me and make me feel safe like the Spring court and Velaris did.
The lord who just have been Tarquín greeted us, his eyes darting to me immediately.
"Who is this?" He asked, curiously eyeing me. I knew he could smell my human scent.
"This is Alanna." Rhys started, Tamlin's fists clenching. "She's my mate—and Tamlin's."
Tarquín looked as though he wanted to burst out laughing, though he did not.
"By the Cauldron, mating bonds truly are a mystery. Welcome, Alanna." He took my hand in his, his soft brown skin looking beautiful against the summer sun.
I, on the other hand, was hot. I wasn't used to the sun being this bright, beating down on my flesh, even with the lightweight dress on. Back at the village, my...former home, it was always chilly and cloudy.
Tarquín led us to a grand meeting room, and there were the other high lords there. Their ears all perked up, eyes immediately trying to make the connection between Rhys, Tamlin, and I. I felt Rhys's hand on the small of my back, a silent reassurance. I was seated between my two mates. There were others there as well, clearly the wives and children of the other high lords. It might have been the most awkward thing I'd ever experienced, and I almost sighed in relief when Tarquín spoke, standing up.
"As you all know, we are here today because of a rogue soldier of Hybern. They have threatened us, wanting to get even for the lives lost due to our powerful tactics. A plan needs to be made so we can execute them and move on to the peace we all deserve." Tarquín finished, sitting back down.
A brutish brunette male spoke next, his ginger sons next to him.
"Why don't we just track them and kill them on the spot?" He cut in.
"Clearly," Rhys began. "They have some sort of hidden power. They would not be foolish enough to break into our courts and threaten us otherwise. It would be an excellent idea to send out spies. To gather information on their powers so we can outsmart them."
Other high lords nodded in approval.
"Very well. We each send out our best spies from our courts with a tracking spell from the remains of DNA. Anything from a shoe print, pieces of fabric, blood, saliva, anything you all can muster up."
The meeting went on for a while longer, about to end before lord Beron taunted us.
"Who's the human whore?" Tamlin's claws darted out and he snarled like an enraged animal. Rhys growled at him, standing up to tower over him as a threat. Beron started laughing out loud, throwing his head back. So did his sons, and everyone else except Tarquín and the wives and younger children of the lords.
"You mean to tell me, that both of you are mated to the same human?" Lord Beron laughed.
Tamlin lunged now, claws out and pressed against Beron's neck.
"You keep your mouth shut." He snarled, spitting on his face. The high lord of the autumn court was about to use his fiery powers before Rhys butted in.
"Beron, you may want to think carefully of what you were thinking of doing." A single talon appeared on Rhys. Lord Beron cussed at Tamlin before backing off, winnowing him, his wife, and sons back to his court.
"Well, I think this concludes the meeting. Collect the DNA samples and send your best spies. We meet again in a week." Tarquín stated, everyone winnowing one by one, leaving just us three before the high lord of the summer court stopped us.
"Before you go, I just wanted to congratulate you all. You have a rare blessing." Tarquín smiled at us. Rhys and Tamlin both nodded in thanks, while I just awkwardly smiled at him. I though that out of all the other rude high lords, the one of summer was my favorite. He was kind, and for that I was grateful.
Rhys took my hand and we all winnowed back to the Spring Court.
The following events consisted of my mates bathing me, fucking me, and placing me in-between them as we drifted off to the dream world. I found that my absolute favorite place to be was in the embraces of my males.
Tamlin always was the big spoon, while Rhys laid on his back and had my head on his chest. His heartbeat drummed me to sleep; Tamlin's warm fingers tracing patterns onto my bare skin.
I wouldn't be complete without them, and I'd only be half complete with one of them. They were the lions, and I was their lamb.

The Lions and the Lamb: A Tamlin x Rhysand x OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now