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Natasha: hmm set up a lunch 

Misumi: got it 

Natsaha: make it something exspensive but not exspenve 

Misumi: got it 

Natasha: something foregin but still local 

Misumi: got it 

Natasha: I got just get us a table at the sugar factory for 1 oclock 

Misumi: done and done 

Ring , ring

Natasha: Okay 

Misumi: okay ( gets up) ill get that 

Natasha: no bother I can get it 

Misumi: yes mrs alsina 

Natasha: Alsina agency company how can I help you today 

Diondria: ooh look at you acting all uppity and shit 

Natasha: Di why you aint work 

Diondria: Maurice got the stomach bug 

Natasha: poor baby 

Diondria: shit poor me Im the one having to clean up throw up and shit 

Natasha: you are his mom 

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