Ch 17

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I grabbed my bag because I had a lunch date when I got to the restaurant I took a big breath

Natasha: dad

Dad: anatasia

Natasha: Im glad you came

Dad: I can come to a restaurant but not walk you down the aisle

Natasha: okay you wanna know why I didn't ask you

Dad: why I was a good dad to you

Natasha: ( sits back) you really forgot huh

Dad: forget what

Natasha : how you used to beat the shit out of me that's what

Dad: what whoopins

Natasha: No punches , throwin me out in Chicago winter. Making me feel like I was nothing

Dad : is that what this is all about

Nataahsa: YES all I want to know is why ... you had stress so you took it on me

Dad: you didn't listen

Natasha: Bullshit that's not the reason you never really loved me did you

Dad: I always loved you it was you who didn't love me

Natasha: How do you expect me to love someone that brought me so pain. I was ten year old writing fuckin suicide notes . you never will understand how much damage you brought me.

Dad: Look what you want me to say

Natahsa: nothing don't say nothing. But know that im not bringing my daughter around you

Dad: that's my granddaughter

Natasha: why so you take your "stress" out on her no fuck that. We don't need you. This is our last conservation

I walked away trying to force the tears back in my eyes. No he doesn't have the right to make me cry. While I was walking out the restaurant I heard him calling my name. no im done and im never looking back. I got the closure I needed

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