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/Quick A/n: this is set in a very jumbled up timeline/universe. Don't expect things to happen in order with books or movies or even at all. Golden trio exists, Voldemort too, he doesn't come back though. He stays dead (has no Horcruxes) Lily and James are dead, but Sirius and anyone who died in the war is alive because there is no war to be had/

You enter the dining hall late. Embarrassed because you had been so caught up in your book that you completely forgot. You brush your sweaty palms on your black robes and smile nervously at Dumbledore. He smiles back and stands. The hall goes quiet and he introduces you. "Everyone please welcome our late incomer, Miss (y/n), (l/n). She will be a new professor here at Hogwarts. However, she will not be teaching classes. She will be an assistant to your pre-existing professors. But she will also be available for questions or even tutoring in herbology, potions, charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts" everyone applauds as you make your way down the hall. When you get up to the teacher's table the applause quietens down to silence once more as you reach your seat. You lock eyes with the man you are to sit next to. They are magical and have a dark ebony colour. Your heart skips a beat.

It's next to Severus. You were to be seated next to him? Your face flushed and you smiled. He stood abruptly, recognising you. His heart did a weird flip in his chest, you were that weird (h/h) who always asked how his day was, back in school. He was ashamed to see you again, as the last time you spoke he insulted you. However you just smiled, You were a happy person and had moved on, you knew he had a soft side and have always cared for him from the sidelines. Always watching, waving, but he never let you in.
He pulled out your seat in another impulsive gesture. Feeling impulsive yourself you pulled him into a tight hug, whispering "Have you been taking care of yourself? Gods it's been too long" beaming at him and smiling wildly, like a child on Christmas. He didn't hug you back, your arms around his waist his just raised stiffly and awkwardly unsure how he was supposed to react.

Your awkward and close gestures couldn't help but make him bubble out of embarrassment. You were a constant bundle of light and joy even in childhood and seeing you smile was always contagious. That familiar and gorgeous smile. He laughs a low rumble short but unmistakable and a wide smile breaks out across his face uncontrollably.

He hears whispers and gasps echo through the hall and he feels a sudden strike of fear immediately locking down his emotions once more and returning to his stoic disposition. Flicking his raven hair and finally finding something to do with his stiff awkward arms. He looked around nervously, listening and observing, peeling your arms off of his waist. Carefully re-concealing his emotions. Attempting to recapture his usual frown and elegance.

Grabbing your shoulders he sat you down in your chair pushing it in before seating himself. Dumbledore hushed everyone but had a mischievous look on his face. As did Slughorn and every other staff member present. Having just witnessed a softer, more human side to Severus. Students still whispering to each other in confusion, some even smiling knowingly.

"Don't, do, that, again." He muttered breathlessly next to you. Never looking in your direction keeping his eyes glued down to his plate.

"Oh hush Severus, why? Because everyone saw you act like a normal human being. I like your soft side, it proves you're caring." You turned your attention to the food rolling your eyes.

"I, don't have, a 'soft' side and even if I did I most definitely wouldn't want my students and coworkers to witness it"
He snapped harshly. His words hurt.

But you knew better than to take offence. You knew he was a private man and took strength in concealing and controlling his emotions. Instead, you vowed not to make him uncomfortable again.

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