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The next morning you woke up as usual and headed to the hall for breakfast. You wanted to speak to Severus again. You couldn't believe that was how he saw himself. And if that's how he believes everyone thinks? No wonder he puts on such a vicious front. He feels vulnerable. If only he could see, that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

He was safe now. Who does he need to protect himself from? Voldemort is long gone.

Entering the hall your eyes instinctively look for Severus. But alas he wasn't there. Unusual he is always early.

You throw a half-hearted smile to Alexandre and sit down in the usual spot. You were disappointed. You hoped you could ask him to meet up after classes or something to talk.

Alex notices your mood and places a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"What's the matter, mademoiselle? You seem upset, your usual charming smile has shrunk" he chuckled playfully.

You turn to look at his lovely eyes. You were contemplating how much to tell him.

"I'm...just worried about Severus. He's always early. Yet he isn't here" Gods I hope he isn't sick. Or perhaps he's avoiding me.

"Ah, I heard he wasn't well today. Do you wish to see him? I'm sure he hasn't had anything to eat. He's a stubborn fool that one. I heard he hasn't even bothered visiting Madame Pomfrey"

However, you weren't listening to him anymore. Plating up some food with magic you rushed wordlessly to his chambers.

Oh, Merlin's beard (y/n). This is probably your fault. Knowing how clumsy you are you've probably gone and used the wrong healing balm.

You panicked overwhelmed with concern for your friend. Because you knew no one else would bother checking on him. And he's so stubborn he's probably thinking of trying to work still.

You arrived at his chamber. Knocking on the door. Heart racing, hands clutching the plate of food tightly. Muffled footsteps and a groan came from the other side of the door. Oh dear, he sounds terrible!


Severus was sitting on his lounge half-heartedly reading the Daily Prophet. Really his mind was drifting elsewhere.

He was behaving like a child. After the tantrum, he threw last night he didn't want to see you. He was ashamed. Again he had been exposed, his weakness shown to another.

So he was pretending to be sick.

With his magical and potion knowledge, quite easily too. Though he couldn't help but feel paranoid that Dumbledore would come and check on him. It was rather unlikely but possible nonetheless.

Imagine his surprise when he heard a knock at the door. He tossed his newspaper and quickly used a simple spell to make himself seem as though he had a fever.

All he had to do now was play up the 'I feel sick' act. He groaned and took his time reaching the door, ready with his story he opened it.

"I apologize Headmaster, but I really do feel terrible. It's as though my head is full of mud and my stomach feels like ..."

He dropped his act immediately as he locked eyes with yours. A blush formed on his already red cheeks. Sweat forming on his brow from his spell.

Your eyes blew wide. "Severus oh Merlin!! You look terrible! Is it all my fault!? Go lie down...quick!" You ushered him back into his room, a plate of food in one hand as the other tugged and pulled shoving him into the room.

"(Y/n), this is rather unnecessary-"

"Don't you dare even start!" He closed his mouth too shocked at the rather out-of-character tone of voice you used. You placed the plate down on a nearby table frowning at the dust covering everything thickly.

Severus x reader ProfessorWhere stories live. Discover now