A Sweeter Taste [DNF]

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The boys sat around in the room chatting with each other, just passing the time. Dream sat perched up against the backboard of the bed as George sat across from him in the chair at the desk, the window behind Dream shining in the last few hours of daylight creating a warm environment for the two to enjoy as they rambled on about whatever came to mind. Eventually the mentioning of Dream's new merch emerging in the conversation.

"I want a Dream hoodie, I didn't get to buy the one from your last release!" George whined, a small smile coming over him after the words had settled.

"Well, you could have a Dream hoodie or you could have an actual hoodie from Dream" He winks at George while gesturing to himself, a smile now plastered across his face.

"What about both?" He replied with, ignoring what he had just did.

"Hmm..if you really want, then yes, you can have both" I small giggle escapes Dream's lips as the small brunette smiles brightly, happy with the answer.


"Although actually.." Dream intervenes in his short lived excitement, looking him up and down as a smirk creeps across his face.

"I think my hoodie may be a little too big for your smallness"

"I- uh- DREAM!" George stands up from his seat, taken aback by his small comment.

"I'm not that small!" He says, crossing his arms.

Dream shakes his head and swings his legs off the edge of the bed, fully facing George now. "You are too, my little Georgie"

George rolls his eyes at his stupidity "Oh sure"

Dream then took his hoodie off and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face.

"Prove you're not that small then" He taunts.

"Alright then" George confidently answered back, pulling the hoodie over his head and letting it drop as his face flushes red, realising how oversized it actually is for him.

Dream raised an eyebrow and smirked at the smaller boy. "Soo~ What were you saying now?"

He laughs as he stands, making his way over to George, wrapping his arms around his small waist, swaying himself side to side and making George sway with him. George tried resisting against the blonde man, attempting to shove him away while as his eyebrows knitted in frustration from embarrassment, eventually just giving up and wrapping his arms around Dream's neck, pulling him down slightly.

"Ugh whatever, I got the hoodie in the end" He giggles as his playful mood gradually returns.

"Anyways, I'm hungry Dreamyyy" George softly says, dragging out every letter in the nickname he'd given for Dream."Get me some candy, will you?"

Dream opens his mouth to answer before pausing and closing it again, thinking and debating on whether to share his snarky remark, the smile growing on his face answering his decision.

"Whot?" George questioned, his cute british accent showing as he was curious to what Dream was thinking.

"Why want candy when you have me, I'm much sweeter in taste" A confident bright smile now plastered to Dream's face.


Dream's smiles faltered slightly as his eyes widened, dumbfounded by George's response.

"Then.." George pauses as he looks around the room, thinking of what words to say next. "Hmm, then prove it"

A cocky smile appearing on his face as he stared into the other man's enchanting emerald eyes, for once feeling as he had the chance to get back at Dream.

An idea flickered to life in Dream's mind, perhaps a stupid and risky one, but still an idea.

"I'll prove it only if you want it" He managed to choke out, still in a dumbfounded state.

George shrugged at him. "Alright, go on"

Dream stared back at George, admiring the small features of his face unnoticeable from afar as he started having second thoughts on his idea.

"..Not gonna lie here, you've taken this in the complete opposite direction than I was expecting it to go" He mutters, barely audible enough for George to hear.

George burst out in a light-hearted fit of laughter, thinking he had won.

A loud sigh escapes Dream's lips, bringing George's attention back to the man.

"Remember, you're the one who told me to prove it" Dream warned, as he started leaning in.

Pulling George in before he had any chance to react and clashing their lips together, sharing a long passionate kiss, George giving in as they both melted into it and eventually breaking apart for air, only a few centimetres away from each others face.

"Dr-Dream" George quietly stuttered out, now a flustered mess.

A small laugh is heard from Dream with his face now having a dark blush laid upon it and a soft smile now resting after the laugh.

"What? Were you not expecting that?"

"Hmph!" George scrunches his hands into small fists which were now positioned on Dream's chest, facing away from Dream as an attempt to hide his just as red face, still slightly flustered.

"Oh come on," Dream brings one of his hands to Georges face, tracing along his jawline before making George face him again. "At least tell me if you liked the taste" Finishing his sentence with a wink at him.

"Eh, could be better" A small smile creeping onto his face as he bobs his head side to side as if deciding on something. "Not bad though"

They both laugh, enjoying the small moment together as the sun is finally set enough to leave the room in a soft orange glow.

Dream shakes his head gently as he goes to speak again. "Picky much-" Ending it with him rolling his eyes. "I'm guessing that means you still want the candy?"

A low hum is heard before he nods at Dream and giggles. "Yes please"


Word count: 966

This is my first time so I hope it was good enough-

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