Who Was That? [DNF]

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[Warning: Spicy?]

The two sat apart, one lost in their thoughts and the other having their eyes glued to his phone screen, scrolling through..something. Dream laid back down onto the bed with a huff and ending with a loud sigh, attempting to get the older's attention. As he peaks over, no sign of attention to his avail, George's eyes still stuck to his phone. He rolls his eyes and looks towards the ceiling, staring up at it and letting his thoughts roam in hope to ease the boredom. A sudden reminder struck as the blonde recalled this mornings events in the car, quickly sitting up and pre-thinking the following conversation before asking his question.

"Hey George?" He called out, finally catching the brunettes attention.

"I have a question" He quickly talked on before any confirmation of that George was actually listening.

"Yeah- what's up?" George replied.

"Who were you talking with earlier, in the car?" Dream finally questioned, watching the boy carefully for any out of the ordinary signs with his reaction. George somehow fell quieter than before, quickly glancing away.

"Uhh, just uhm, a friend- why do you ask..?" He managed to word out barely as an answer.

"Just a friend, hm?" He asks on.

"Mhm, j-just a friend" George stuttered out, looking shocked as if it were a surprise to himself as well. He looked back over to Dream, their eyes locking as realisation sets into him.

"Uh oh, this can't go good-" Are the last thoughts George has as Dream quickly stands up off the bed and begins walking over to the shorter boy, George standing up from the chair he was in and backing away more, eventually being grabbed and stopped by Dream's hands grasping to his waist around halfway across the room.

"What's with the stuttering and hesitation?" The younger pushes on, gently grabbing onto George's chin and caressing it as he lingers over him smiling.

"C-Cause-..bec-because!" George defends back, his face turning a light red acknowledging the positioning they're in. Dream leans in closer to his face, leaving only a few inches between the two and a smirk now clearly upon his face.

"Georgie~ You're still doing it" He coos, dragging out the nickname almost tauntingly. George's face now becoming a darker shade as he stares back into his eyes, knowing how close they were.

"H-Huh- I- Shut up-" The small brunette stuttered out, words becoming harder to form as his mind wonders off to other things.

"Oh? Why?~" Dream wasn't done with his fun yet, his smirk seemingly to be permanently glued to his face at this point.

"..bec-because!" He shouts back as his response, forcing his head to turn away as an attempt to ignore Dream.

"Because what? I'm not satisfied with that answer Georgie baby~" Dream turns his head back to face him once more, George's face flushes a dark red at the name, becoming flustered at the teasing sentence Dream had just spoke, a name only set for him.

"B-Because..you're being a b-bitch!" The room fell silent, the tall blonde glaring down at him with his enchanting emerald eyes. George smirked, happy he'd bet Dream with his words..but if only that were true.

"I'd watch that pretty little mouth of yours if I were you~" Dream instructs at almost a whisper into George's ear, slowly running his other hand, still resting on George's waist, up his body more, a small blush now appearing on his own face.

"D-Dream.." He stutters out, his mouth being left agape as he looks up to him, thinking carefully about what could happen.

"I'm sure not much could possibly happen" He concludes in his thoughts, deciding to push his luck once more.

"No bi-bitch boy" George answers, rejecting the younger's demand and leaving him with a smile of his own.

He raises an eyebrow at the response and in a swift motion, Dream pushes George the rest of the way back towards the wall, pinning him down against it.

"Confident today, I see?" His voice lowers, leaning back in close to George's face as he was before, his eyes half-lidded now and flicking between the older boy's eyes and lips.

"Mhm.." Is softly heard as confirmation from George.

"Why-" George attempts to talk again, and is instantly cut off by Dream connecting his lips with his own. Giving him a harsh yet passionate long kiss, George giving in and melting into it. Dream proceeds into the moment and slips one hand down and under George's shirt, slowly tracing his fingers up along the smaller's body as the two continue making out, George basically giving in and letting himself be vulnerable by choice to his touch. His other hands cupping George's cheek as they go at eachother's mouth's, savouring the taste of the other, both of their faces a deep dark red of blush.

Finally as the boys come to a short of breath, Dream fully pulls away, retracting his hands back and taking small steps away from George, admiring the mess he had made of the man and gleaming at his accomplishment as he also caught his breath once more.

George stayed leaning against the wall for support, his eyes closed, trying to wrap his head around what had just happened and what they'd just done. What he'd just done. He opened his eyes to the green bastard himself, looking down at him with a bright smile plastered to his face. George softly touched his lips, still having the idiot's after-taste stuck in his mouth, as he slowly regained his senses as well as breath and glared at him.

"Fuck you" George spat out, not knowing whether he was annoyed he'd pulled that move in the first place or annoyed that he had stopped.

"When and where?" Dream joked back, winking at him, clearly getting cocky again like his usual self.

George rolled his eyes and pushed off the wall, walking past Dream to the lounge and making sure to give him a small shove on the way, listening to him wheeze as he walks down the hallway. The sound of it leaving a small smile and light blush still attached to the british man's face.


Word count: 1047

Why did I write this :')
I'm slowly starting to re-think my life decisions- I mean I wasn't even expecting to upload another chapter at all yet here we are-

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