too real

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When you and Allie are discussing outfits for Topper's party later that day, she gives you shit for telling her you aren't going with her and the girls.

"Since when do we arrive separately to a party?" Allie asks, holding up a white skirt. The two of you are on FaceTime helping each other decide what to wear.

You shake your head at the skirt. "Since Rafe became my fake boyfriend and we have to be seen together. Topper invited literally everyone. James and Charlotte are both going to be there, I know it."

"Can you two handle that? This is different than going to dinner or the beach together. You're going to be drinking, everyone is around, and parties are just a different vibe than a date. Are you prepared to hang all over him all night?" she asks. She's tossed the white skirt on her bed and is now holding up a jean skirt and a black crop top.

"Maybe on that outfit," you say. "And why do I have to hang all over him? Can't I just be in his general vicinity?"

She laughs. "Not when you spent every party in high school practically wrapped around James. Everyone knows you're an affectionate drunk."

"Really? That's like a known thing about me?" you ask, and Allie nods. "Well, shit. Guess I'll have to warn Rafe when he comes to get me later."

Her focus had been on the contents of her closet, but she looks back at her phone when you make the comment about Rafe. "Coming to get you? You can't walk a few blocks to Topper's? Lazy ass."

"No, he's walking here to pick me up so I don't have to walk by myself to Tannyhill," you explain. "Um, what about this?" you ask, showing her a bodycon dress.

"No, too fancy for a house party. Where are those jean shorts you have that are all shredded?"

"My whole ass shows in those," you remind her.

"Exactly. Don't you want to look hot for your boyfriend?"

"Fake boyfriend," you reiterate. "Oh, here they are," you say, locating the shorts in your drawer. "You're sure I should wear these?"

"Yes. Those shorts, and that green crop top you have," she says.

"So you want my tits and my ass out," you say sarcastically, digging through your drawer again.

"Listen, the point here is to look hot as fuck and flaunt it in front of your ex while you're on another guy's arm. Also, doesn't hurt to impress the guy you're actually going with."

"For someone who thinks having a fake boyfriend is a bad idea, you sure are supportive of me looking hot for him," you reply.

She laughs. "Rafe is hot. I don't get why you can't admit that. There's nothing wrong with trying to get him to notice that you're hot, too."

"I hate you sometimes," you say, and she laughs again. "Anyway, I'm about to eat dinner, then I have to shower and get ready, so I'll see you at Topper's later?"

"Yep. Wear the shorts!" she says. "See you later."

"Bye, Al."


If there was one thing you could say about Rafe, it was that he was punctual to a fault. Each time he said he would come to get you at a certain time, he was there. Tonight was no different.

After he texts you that he's waiting outside, you say a quick goodbye to your parents and head out the front door. You spot him in your driveway, hands in his pockets and kicking a pebble around with the toe of his shoe. He looks up as he hears your footsteps on the sidewalk.

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