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Instead of smoke coming out of the flare, a high and loud sound came out it, ringing through their ears. "Was that an acoustic round??" Eren questioned.

Levi looked behind to face his other squad members, "Remind me, what is our mission? Is it to simply act on impulse in the heat of the moment? Let me answer that question for you. It's not. This squad's mission is to keep this brat alive whatever the cost. Don't forget it." Levi reminded, "We keep pushing forward on horseback, is that clear?"

"As a bell, sir!" Petra responded.

"But for how long?? We can't keep running forever!" Eren exclaimed, glancing behind him, "She's right on top of us as it is! If we don't do something soon-! Huh-?" He paused when he saw two more scouts going right after the female titan. "No! They keep coming! THEY'RE ALL GONNA DIE UNLESS WE TURN AROUND AND DO SOMETHING!"

"EYES FRONT! Stop looking behind us!" Gunther scolded.


"Keep pace with the group! Maintain top speed or we're all dead!!" Eld spat.

"ELD, PLEASE! Help them! If the Levi Squad can't stop this thing, then who can?! Those men need us!" Eren exclaimed, glancing behind them. There, he saw, with his own very eyes, get squashed by the female titan.

"Another one!" Eren cried out, "DAMMIT! He didn't have to die!"

Just then, another scout had entered the battlefield, gliding beside the titan, "Come on, There's still one left! We can save him before it's too late!"

"Do as you're told, Eren! Eyes forward!" Petra yelled.

"How can all of you ignore what's happening back there?! Are you telling me to abandon my comrades?! IS THAT IT?!"

"DAMMIT, YES! Stop whining and do as your captain and executive tell you!" Petra spat.

"WHY ARE WE LETTING PEOPLE DIE?!! If this is part of some bigger picture, why can't someone explain it to me?!!"

"Ask not the reason why, ask what you're meant to do and die! You'd understand what that meant if you weren't such a useless greenhorn!" Oluo yelled at the teen, "Now stifle it and behave like a soldier!" He added.