Part 2

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Shotos pov:

"Roki... young Todoroki, wake up." My eyes open slightly due to the voice pestering me.

I groan and properly opened my eyes, only to be face to face with Recovery girls aged face, "ah, good it's time for you to go back to class." she said giving me a gentle smile.

"Mkay" I spoke lazily from the sleep still lingering making my mind foggy.

I sat up swinging my legs off to hang over the edge of the bed, I stood up and put my shoes on, grabbing my bag, "thanks for looking after me." I said turning to the small lady, bowing slightly.

"Oh it's fine, you're rarely in here unlike Midoriya, I'm happy to help you youngen." She said with annoyance laced in her voice as she mentioned Midoriya.

"Right... well I'll see you when I see you, ma'am," I said now straightening back up.

"Right, be more careful next time, mister," she said now in a scolding tone.

"I'll try." I flashed a small grin and turned and exited the room, closing the door behind me.

I slowly made my way to the 2A room, when I entered I went straight to my seat, only to be stopped by a worried dekusquad, "Todoroki-Kun, what happened, how'd you fall off a cliff?!" Midoriya started non-stop questions, with Iida-Kun doing his strange hand gesture talking about how dangerous that was, and Uraraka was simply quiet giving me a worried look, Tsu was also just there standing.

"Guys, I'm fine, I already went to recovery girl and she healed it, see?" I said waving my hand in front of them.

"Sill how'd you manage to fall off a cliff man." Denki came up behind me, putting his arm over my shoulders.

"I was doing some training..." I shrugged.

They seemed to accept that explanation and went back to doing what they were doing before I entered, I went and sat down bringing out my sketchbook and sketched my lodge with my pets running around, I was working on Shoyo when the bell rang indicating class was starting, I closed my book and paid attention to our maths teacher.

\Time skip/ last period on Friday, Homeroom. {Still Shotos Pov}

"Yo Bakugo what are you doing for the long weekend?" Sero said sitting on the desk in front of Bakugos's desk.

"Why would I tell you extras?" he said his voice laced with aggravation.

"Oh come on Bakubro," Kirishima whined leaning on Sero and the desk.

"Tch." He looked away from them looking back at me as if asking permission to tell them.

I simply shrugged and nodded, he took the notion and turned back to his squad, "fine, I'm heading to the snow with Icyhot, happy?" he said glaring his squad down.

"Oh nice- wait, you're going with Todobro?" Kirishima asked shocked looking between Bakugo and myself.

"Yea, got a problem with the Shitty hair?" Bakugo spoke now resting his chin in his palm leaning on his desk.

"No, it's just I thought you didn't like each other?" Kirishima looked hurt by the fact that Bakugo was spending his time willingly with someone outside his squad.

"Tch, ask if you can come if you want to come with us," Bakugo said looking away.

"Really!?" Kirishima shot up, and I could have sworn I saw a tail wagging behind him.

" Ask Icyhot," Bakugo said still looking away.

Kirishima looked at me, with pleading eyes, then walked up to me. "Hey Todobro," he said with a sheepish grin " can I go with you guys?" he asked scratching his cheek.

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