Chapter 10

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This chapter is dedicated to directioner240208,  AlwaysKeepYou,  Tommoismybunny,  DodiPout for their great support, and also to the silent reader's if there are any. ILY ❤

Louis just woke up and he did not feel the warm arms around him that were there when he went to bed so he worriedly got up from the bed and looked around for Harry worried that Harry left him.

when he went to the other side of the bed Harry laid on the floor, rubbing his head.

"Alpha what are you doing?" Louis asked crouching next to Harry helping to pick him up

"Your bed was too small, and you have a habit of kicking in sleep," Harry said.

Louis let out a chuckle at that and Harry pouted, as Louis was helping Harry up he couldn't hold both of their weight and fell on top of Harry.

"Oops!" Louis said.

"Hi!" Harry replied and pecked his cheek which made Louis blush and hides his face in Harry's neck making Harry coo at his reaction.

"stop, you are making me blush," Louis said.

"well then get used to it because I am not stopping any time soon" Harry replied cheekily.

Louis laid in his arms a little while white harry rubbed his neck soothingly making him purr into the Alpha's neck continuously.

when they both finally broke away from the hug and stood up, Harry realised he had something creamy on his fingers, he brought it close to his nose and took a sniff and it smelled like cosmetics, then his eyes went to Louis' neck and he saw that there was no mating mark and furrowed his eyebrows

"Louis where is your mating mark?" he asked.

Louis turned around and looked at him sadly "he never mated me, just wanted to marry me because I had been hurting his ego all those years"

"I am sorry baby, but don't worry I can feel like your mate is somewhere around," he said with a wide smirk.

Louis hit his chest and walked to the washroom "sap" he said before getting in and leaving a grinning Harry behind.


Harry redid all of Louis' bandages kissing every cut and applying medicines to all his burns, after that Harry picked him up in his arms and Louis curls around Harry hugging him tightly.

Harry placed his hand on the lower back of Louis, protectively as they both sneaked out of the house through the back door and Harry took him to his car.

"but Harry, Ace will find out," Louis said

"let him"

"Harry, it's not as simple, Ace still has my family under 24/7 surveillance by his assassinations, he won't hesitate to kill them if he finds out what I did"

"don't worry I got an interesting idea, one to get you and your family safe out of Ace's control," Harry says smirking while he drove to his house.

"what are you thinking?" Louis furrowed his eyes.

"just know that you will be having fun," Harry said and Louis nodded as they drove to Harry's home while Harry held Louis' hand with one of his.


Louis had been tucked inside Harry's bed by Harry himself while he sat on his table, doing something on his laptop and attending constant phone call's.

"Harry" Louis called out in a small and cute voice as he peeked out of the blankets with just his eyes showing, and his hairs ruffled making Harry drool over the kitten-boy.

"yes, petal" Harry instantly cut the call and moved beside Louis while Louis blushed at the nickname.

"what are you doing? why won't you cuddle me?" he asked cutely.

"well I was working out on something, but now I am free, I just have to go take a shower," Harry said.

"can I come out with you?" Louis asked further peeking out of the blankets.

Harry looked at him with wide eyes and Louis felt as if Harry didn't want him to join so he tucked himself back under the blankets.

"it's alright you can go, I-I am sorry, I will just leave" Louis mumbled from under the sheets.

"Lou, Petal, I am sorry if I made you feel bad, I was just surprised that you wanted to join me, of course, I want you to come with me," Harry said peeling the sheets off Louis and licking his tears away followed by kissing him deeply on the lips. "please don't ever feel insecure around me, I truly like you for who you are".

"Okay," Louis said in a small voice and sniffled.

They got up from the bed and Harry and Louis stripped down except their boxers, since Louis was still in a post-traumatizing period Harry did not want to rush anything with him, and want Louis to truly feel happy in whatever he was doing.

Harry picked Louis up from the bed and set him down gently onto the washbasin slab, while he filled the tub up with warm water.

Louis lazily swung his feet down the slab as Harry prepared the bath.

he pulled out two bath bombs from the drawer, one's that won't burn Louis' cuts and asked him which one.

"Golden one" Louis replied pointing to the sparkly bath bomb.

It was a rose-scented one with a unique formula that made the skin glow lusciously after a good bathe.

He picked him up and lower him down into the bath and then joined him next cuddling him from behind, scenting and comforting the omega.

"My pretty Omega, you always smell so good love," he said kissing him softly on the mating spot making chills run down Louis' body.

Harry rested his head on the bathroom wall behind the tub while Louis rested his on Harry's chest.

"Harry" Louis murmured

"mhmm," Harry said instantly bringing Louis back to his range of vision

"do you have any vacancies for a housemaid, or cook maybe"

"Why are you asking that boo?"

"you know Kimberly does not like it there as well, she just stayed there for me, to make sure I am alright. she also does not have any family so I don't want to leave her alone, can you bring her here as well?" Louis asked with hope in his tone.

Harry chuckled at the boy's soft nature and kissed his head "sure boo"

"mmm," Louis and William mumbled peacefully at all the attention.


The boys got out of the bath, cleaned themselves and Louis' wounds were medicated before they went to bed, snuggling into each other as much as possible.

and it was the first time in ages that Louis spent a dag without taking his suppressants, he was happy



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I am planning a massive plot twist, but all good things, all good things 😏


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