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Bad never understood why her teammates would cheer so hard for the boys during their football or basketball games, yet, they would give little for the girls when it was their turn to play.

Her teammates would talk to each other about how sweaty the boys were (ew) after an intense game and would do what they could to get noticed by a teammate from the football team.

Yeah, the guys were somewhat attractive in their standards of what's trending at the time, but, Bad never felt any feelings towards them. Maybe she was just oblivious to romance.

She had have people tell her that some guy was flirting with without her knowledge and she had brutally rejected them. She just brushed it off with a laugh and a confused smile.

Bad knew she had good looks, but she also knew that the girls on the cheer team looked really pretty too. The cheer team compared to her, she seemed plain.

After all, she followed a decent amount of rules like any other student. She wore her uniform everyday, got most (empathsis on most) of her work done and on time, and had a small group of friends and a few acquaintances in each of her classes; minus her cheer teammates.

She just couldn't relate to her cheer teammates when they start talking about how hot the boys were during their games, or how they were excited to cheer for their boyfriends/excited to get a boyfriend to cheer for like some sort of cheesy highschool romance.

Bad had tried to see herself with a guy. But all of the boys she had talked to had never sparked those butterflies or felt as if the world had frozen in time like they had said in books.

She would argue that you couldn't blame her. Boys were just uninteresting.

The only time she'd catch herself staring at the boys is when she's sitting on the bench waiting for the next halftime to start their routine in hyping up the crowd.

She'd wave her white and blue pom-poms around and do her preppy cheerleader routine with a smile on her face while wearing a white and blue sleeveless dress that had a knife pleated skirt, and had a matching bow for her brown hair in a  ponytail, shouting, "Go Owls! Owls, let's go!" for the rest of the night.

When her days didn't revolve around cheer practice, cheering for the football/basketball team, or cheering during school assemblies, she would tutor other students after school for nearly two hours. She would walk out of the school, and see other students in their own practices.

Practices like tennis, softball, and track for the most part.

Not wanting to be a creep, she would avoid watching them practice. Holding on her schoolbag close to her and walking home as she heard tennis terms she didn't understand.

This day was different somehow. There was this new girl on the tennis court who had brown skin, and black hair that was tied in a ponytail with a white bow. She was wearing a white visor to cover her eyes from the sun that made her look like she had a bright halo.

She is was wearing white sleeveless dress, with white ankle socks, and white tennis shoes. The sun reflected on the white fabtics and it made her elegant moves look easy and graceful. Bad looked at the girl, she was moving woth such agility and freedom, Bad would've assumed she was an angel in disguised.

Bad blinked, wiping away her hypnosis she had on the tennis girl. She walked away from the scene, hoping that nobody noticed her staring at the black-haired girl.

She didn't have the time to dwell on why she was getting butterflies from the girl.

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