Chapter One

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(AN: The same day as Stormpaw's ceremony (AKA Frankie's ceremony), also, if you haven't read 'Bramblestar's Storm', read that before this otherwise it won't make sense and you don't see cool Jessy is. 

Bramblestar followed Jessy, her brown pelt camouflaging against the undergrowth. Jessy stopped, and looked down at the log in the river then back at Bramblestar.

"I'll remember this as the place we fought off that badger together, and all the hunting and fighting skills you taught me", she mewed, brown eyes staring into his golden amber ones. Bramblestar nearly choked.

"You sound like your already leaving", he managed to croak out, the lump in his throat hindering his words. Jessy gazed at him with, love, sympathy and longing.

"I want to, I really do, but you know I can't, I've seen the way Squirrelflight looks at me, and it's obvious she really loves you", Jessy said, twining her tail with his. 

"Squirrelflight doesn't deserve my love after she lied to me about the kits, please, stay. We could have are own kits", Bramblestar pleaded, touching noses with the brown she-cat. For a moment Jessy looked tempted, but then she looked at the ground.

"Do you really love me that much?" she asked quietly, brown eyes boring into him, filling Bramblestar with determination. Swallowing his growing lump in his throat, "Yes, Jessy, I love you that much and more", he said, burying his face into her fur and taking heaving breaths. 

Jessy stood still for a few moments, merely just staring out over the lake.

"Then stay I shall, we will break the news to Squirrelflight together tomorrow", she said finally, turning her loving eyes on the Thunderclan leader.  Bramblestar merely nodded and didn't say anything, too choked with emotion. 

Together, they headed back to the camp, and Bramblestar showed Jessy his den where she could sleep. 

After showing Jessy and Stormpaw around the camp, Bramblestar and the brown she-cat broke the news to Squirrelflight:

Squirrelflight stared at them in shock.

(AN: Sorry, but I kinda lost motivation for this story, and I don't feel like writing it anymore. If you want me to continue writing it, I will, just comment down below. I'll  be waiting. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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